Well Known Member
With the new HS-00003 doubler and HS-00005 and HS-00006 ribs the forward spar gets pretty crowded when it comes to drilling and riveting the spar. If you look at View B-B of DWG 3, you can see how close the rivet hole just outboard of the HS-00005 & HS-00006 ribs is to the HS-00005 web. With the skin on and the ribs clamped to the skin in order to drill the flanges and skin, you can?t see how close the web is to these holes and a 1/32? one way or another can make a big difference. On one hand it?s pretty impressive that everything can line up +/- 1/32? with the prepunched kits. On the other hand 1/32? in this area can make a difference ? at least for me.

After drilling the skin to the skeleton and when drilling the HS-00003 to the HS-702 forward spar the four rivet holes just outboard of where the HS-00005 and HS-00006 attached are very close to the web of both ribs. After I drilled the HS-00006, HS-00005 and removed the skin, I noticed that the bottom hole was very close to the web of the HS-00005 rib.

The top three holes seem fine but the bottom hole will be very tight to set a rivet. It looks like I will just be able to set a rivet. The bend in the forward flange of the HS-00005 will just give me enough clearance but the rivet will sit under the bend slightly but doesn?t look like it will touch the rib. The clearance will be very tight though ? like 1/64th or so.

So my question is has anyone else run into this problem and how have they solved or avoided it? I might need to order new HS-00005 but at the very least I need to do the right side.

I was thinking on the next go around to place the HS-00005 rib against the front spar and before drilling the HS-00005 to the HS-702, put a line on the HS-702 that would be the farthest outboard I could go without infringing upon those rivet holes. Then drill the forward flange of the HS-00005 to the HS-702 as described in the plans



Yes, not a problem at all. You will rivet the rib as the very last step to closing that part up.

Be mindful of the spacing for the doubler. I think it's 3.75 inch gap between them. I screwed that up and had to order new parts:p