
Active Member
Looking to start an RV8 here shortly. I got the preview plans a few weeks ago and have been seriously thinking about pulling the trigger.

I jumped on here in hopes to maybe find someone local with an 8. I would like very much to see one in person possibly even go fly.

Other than that... I just feel like I'm still missing something and would appreciate some guidance. Where does one go to figure out what is required by the FAA... build log all that jazz before I start breaking in my rivet gun? Tried emailing my FSDO office and got nothing. Not sure if they didn't take me seriously or if that's just not their thing.

You came to the right place. You can almost learn everything about building your -8 right here on that site except the hands-on work. EAA has some good courses and if you go to some local airports around your area you will run into builders that give you some ideas and you'll be hooked for life.
I didn't know anything two years ago and now I'm structurally finished and now working on the details, engine, avionics, ect.

Good luck, it's an amazing ride

Hey Roark........Welcome to will get plenty of info here and little from the FAA. you can find AC's on exper/amat built

- i am using Kitlog pro for my log.

-this forum will be a great resource to is supported through an honor will get far more than you give to this forum....donate to keep it going!

Enjoy the RV building adventure:D:D
Welcome to VAF!

to VAF.

Good to have you aboard.

As has already been said, pretty much all the info you will need is here, get familiar with the "Search" function, and is all else fails, ask.

As for locals with RV's, go to page 7 here. --- this is not a complete list, but it is a good way to start.
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Mike S.
I appreciate you giving good guidance on looking up locals with RV's. I am in the same position (albeit, I am just now ordering my preview plans for an -8A) and have a follow up question for you, or anyone else that cares to weigh in. I found a few people close to me in Idaho from the white pages link that have 8s or 8As, but I would like to know what the accepted etiquette is for contacting them. I doubt they would answer my out of state cell phone number, and probably would not appreciate a random stranger calling to bug them about airplanes (and hopefully a ride) at what could be an inconvenient time. Thanks in advance for any help. Just want to know for facts what I am jumping into, and seeing a completed one might help convince the dear wife that its a realistic goal, not a money sink dream.
Welcome to VAF!

Bull, welcome to the good ship VAF.

I suspect that folks may just contact you now that you have made your request known.

As to folks not answering you, or being put off by a cold call, when you say it is about the RV, I suspect things will be just fine ;) I would let them offer the ride, not ask them for one on a first call.

Might be good to start a thread also------"Want to look at RV 8" something along that line. This kind of post usually gets pretty good response from the group.

You could also try sending them a PM---Private Message. Look in the upper right hand corner of the screen. If you see a post from someone in the area you would like to contact, click their log in name and choose PM from the drop down menu.

Good to have you aboard.
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Welcome, good to see another rv8 builder, any questions can be answered here enjoy.

I, for one, really like your avatar! And I'm a little jealous. I never got the welcome from Mike S. I found most answers I needed on here by searching after I joined up and didn't write any posts for a long time. I guess I kind of just slipped through.
Thanks for the kind reception:)

So my first question... dimple die for a squeezer, on a flat c-sink #3 (edit: might be a #4 remember now will check in the morning) rivet in two sheets of .032"... what's the procedure? Anyone care to explain or have a good link? I'm trying to put together my Vans Toolbox practice kit... and want to get it right. Even my A&P guys I know weren't really explaining, they said they had a rivet set for that? I tried a few searches and have come up even more confused.

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Okay... now that I have been playing with my rivet gun a bit...
Where do I find out about a sheetmetal workshop or something in AZ? Apparently this is something I have no natural talent for.
How close to Chandler are you???

There are a couple RV guys up there, maybe you could get some "one-on-one" training if you brought the beer;)