Seeing the other thread on taking dogs with you in the air stimulated my thinking.

I have a 10 month old son and I would love to take him flying to see grandma/grandpa, etc. but have been too chicken to. We have a Piper Warrior (until the -10 is finished) and he's been to the hangar, etc. and has enjoyed it.

How young is too young? :)
My daughter started flying at two months.

Get him going.

Put him and mom in back seat together, assuming she likes to fly. It will help his comfort level having her along.

Good luck.
Start 'em young!

All 3 of my kids did cross-countries before they were 6 months. The youngest is my daughter, currently 7 months, with 3 trips under her belt in the 182, her first when she was 2 months. Definitely helps to have Mom in the back! They all love it...especially the 6 year old that gets to be my "co-pilot"! Plan for nice and easy climbs and desents for the little ears.
Go for it!!! Have some spitup rags and go easy on the climbs and descents so they don't get ear aches or tummy aches.

Hearing protection

Any suggestions for hearing protection for the little guys? I know there are kids headsets but they're still going to be too small for a little one only a few months old.
I started my kids out in the plane when they were just a few weeks old. All while they were growing up you couldn't keep them out of a plane. Now in their 30's when they come home for a visit they still ask to go for a plane ride.
Children flying in a RV

Has anyone taken a small child flying in a RV? Around the 2 year old range. I would like to take my daughter flying in the RV-4, but would want her mother holding her. Has anyone figured out a way to strap them in there mothers lap. Also what about the noise? Do they adapt to the headset very well.
I would love to go on some cross country flights.
I know this is a two place airplane, but it happens everyday on the airline.
Thanks for your feedback.

I took my grandson up last August. He turned 3 in Oct. He'll be going up again over the holidays.

I strap him in a car seat. I have to take out the co-pilot stick because it won't clear the seat.

He can just see over the side.

I won't take him (or my granddaughter) except properly attached in the co-pilot seat
How Young

My son's first flight was at 17 months, but not in an RV - instead in Grandpa's 195. He loves it. He's grandpa's co-pilot, and they always go to hang out at other airports on donut runs. Neither of my kids were ever scared going up, and my son insists that he's going to fly upside down with G'pa as soon as the Model 12 is done. Of course, by then he'll be just big enough to strap on a chute!
I would expect nothing less from a legendary flying family. :)

My son's first flight was at 17 months, but not in an RV - instead in Grandpa's 195. He loves it. He's grandpa's co-pilot, and they always go to hang out at other airports on donut runs. Neither of my kids were ever scared going up, and my son insists that he's going to fly upside down with G'pa as soon as the Model 12 is done. Of course, by then he'll be just big enough to strap on a chute!
I used to have a warrior

I took my granddaughter up at age 2 for a short flight. She loved it! Her first question came just after we were airborn. "Are we there yet?" But she meant in the air. I would make sure you have a child's headset to protect the ears and to be able to hear you.
My little is now 9 weeks old and we've flown twice in my RV7 for 1hr plus trips. We bought the smallest headset hearing protection we could find for children and it it seals well up against her head. We also wrap her up with a heavy hooded jacket and then in a 'sleeping bag' snuggly. Depending on the timing for feeding and diaper changes- she sleeps most of the trip.

My wife likes the flying 1.2 hrs versus driving 5.5hrs.

I fly this weekend alone down to Miami to be with my inlaws for X-mas (my wife and little are already there), but afterwards we will fly back to Saint Simons for New Years (less than 2hr flight) and then back to Atlanta for the new year (less than 2hrs).

Our concensous right now any flight over 2 hrs gets tricky for mom and the little . We think it will stretch to longer legs as she gets older. In Jan, we are travelling from Atlanta to Houston to Alberqueque to Tucson, then back to Atlanta. We'll find out then- the first leg is between 4-5 hours to get to Houston from Atlanta.

We had grand plans of installing a baby seat in the baggage compartment- I did all the weight and balance calcs, got the extra base, ordered the Meske tip up mod. But right now, Momma insists on holding her in the front. We took out the passenger stick and there's room. When she gets older, we'll see how practical that becomes.
keep the yoke or stick out of reach

I read a scary story where a guy went flying with his young son, who grabbed the yoke and yanked it back during rotation. Since then, I always make sure my kids can't reach the yoke when we fly. You never know what those little rascals will do!

At least they can sometimes help a bit with the preflight. :)

All my kids flew with me all over a age so young they were still in "baby-seats". Some kind of ear protection a must. Don't put it off any more...start early to share your passion.
All 3 of my kids flew from 2 weeks old and haven't stopped since. Admittedly flying was in a Saratoga (quiet) with earmuffs, and these flights were more for me than for them.

All 3 kids have logbooks and I log every flight that they have been on.

The eldest (now 6) sits on a cushion and can hold wings level and do rate 1 turns left and right.

The middle one (just turned 3) LOVES acro in my 7. Gentle aileron and barrel rolls.

I bought kid sized headsets a while back but now fly with Bose X. They fit all the kids nicely and I'm sure the ANRs help.

When they're in front (difficult in a tandem) just make sure that they understand to remain clear of controls.