Jr Hampton

Active Member
Just bought a 6A. Basic VFR. I knew I was buying and then upgrading avionics to a better system and cleaning some wiring stuff. I still have to get 15hrs dual and I do have a CFI lined up. Condition is due end of July. Would you fly the 15 hrs first them upgrade @ Condition , or rip into it, then do the dual?
Fly it

Fly it now and upgrade at the inspection. You may change your mind after 15 hours on what you want to do.
Tough to have money burning a hole in your pocket...
Fly the plane now, don't loose a whole flying season, better to do the mods during the off months. Besides, experience the plane & it's excellent flight qualities before you add in all those weighty updates.
leaning that way.

IDK how much weight will be added. Don't whats more exciting.. Flying her or ripping into her and making it "mine"