
Well Known Member
How did you guys wire up the DSAB wires? I have D180, D10A, HS34, AP74 and A/P servos.

It would be nice if each instrument had DSAB "IN" and "OUT" pairs but they don't, so here is my idea;

Take a 25 pin Dsub Connector, one side uses solder cups and the other will use crimp pins. I would solder a wire across the top and bottom rows on the solder cup side, thereby tyeing the pins together. Now each instrument "A" wire goes to one row and each "B" wire goes to the other row (using crimp pins on the other side of the connector). Does this meet the requirement to have the wires for the DSAB "electrically connected"?

I can then remove the connector and isolate each component but one thing I wonder, is there a need to have most items on the network and just remove one? I am thinking of updates, is there need to be able to cut the signal in the wire to a component or would just having the item off do the same thing?

I posted this on the Dynon Forum but it does not get the looks that it would get here. Thanks for any help.

I have a two position terminal block labeled DSAB 'A' and DSAB 'B'. All of my DSAB wires get a ring terminal and get terminated on the terminal block.

Makes connections and addtions to the system very easy!
It's been a couple of years since we built up Louise's Dynon panel, but as I recall, we just used in-line splices in the harness to tie the wires together - easy and you get the splices wherever they fall. Just one way to do it - there are many acceptable methods.

I did what Scott did - simple two-terminal block and ring terminals on the ends of the blue wires and green wires.


Mine are like Paul's...excuse me, Louise's ;)...butt spliced where it was convenient. I added a D-10A, AP-74 and 2 servos to a flying D100.

Scott and Greg's method sounds really slick, and with a new install from scratch, sounds like a very nice solution. My pitch servo is spliced into the DSAB wires from the roll servo, to reduce the number of wires passing by the spar to the panel, and that is an option whether you splice, use ring terminals or your Dsub connector method (FWIW).

For your question on device removal for updates, you should not need to do that with the components on the DSAB network. When you update the Bus Master EFIS, it sequences to the other non-EFIS components during the update. In my case, the D100 updates, then sequences to the AP-74 and servos. My D10A updates separately through its own DB-9 connector. I don't have an HS-34, so I don't know how it updates (could be via the bus master too, but just can't say). I know a few here on VAF do know though! :)

Side note...if you have a GPS feeding the D180, when you update, it must be off, or have a switch to break the connection, or it will leave clumps of hair in your fists when it---just---won't---update (Right Greg!...Greg has a switch, I just turn mine off...and we each have forgotten!) :eek:

Have fun, sounds like it'll be a nice panel!!

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Everyone thanks for the help, I soldered things up last night and I plan to five my "D-sub DSAB Hub" idea a go. I plan to leave plenty of slack in the wires so I can go to the terminal idea if I have problems with the Hub idea.


Thanks, I did tie my two servos together behind the spar and only have one set of DSAB wires coming forward.

The info about keeping the GPSs off will go into my Dynon update checklist when I make one.

Here is a shot of the Hub, I added RTV to isolate the two soldered rows.

Wow, you guys are making my head spin!

Thanks, Stein ... money very well spent. :D
Wired them together, soldered them up and covered the connections in with heat shrink. Solid and reliable.