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Hey Guys,

We are making some progress on our How-to-videos and thought I'd share it here for some feedback.

Benefits of an AHRS in the cockpit:

Connected Panel - "the Levil way":

Our iLevil for experimentals - How to install iLevil AW:

I'll post up-coming videos here..

Ananda Leon
Systems Engineer - Levil Technology
"Fly Straight and Levil"

Your link to the how to install is the same as benefits of AHRS.

correct link ?
making progress

Hi Ananda. This is my iLevil AW / iPad in the picture. Is it ok?


Jose Almeida


It looks good to me. You'll have to see if the GRT EIS affects the compass. If it does, the iLevil compensates after some turns when it figures out your aircraft configuration. If it is too much interference, it might not be able to compensate. Make sure the landing light cables are also far away.

Other than this... it looks ok. Do you have a remote switch for the battery?