David Carter

Well Known Member
Has anyone gone through this process on the new system? I have a program letter for the 5-hour Phase I based on an example I found here. Now I need guidance on how to put it in the system & have it assigned to my DAR.

Thanks in advance!
Not sure I understand your question, but I did that with the RV-9A. In my case, contacted the FSDO, found out what a program letter was, negotiated airspace, etc. Probably lots easier with an ABDAR.

The most significant change was the improved takeoff and climb performance. On the first few full power applications, including go arounds, just ease the power in so you don't get surprised. I found that I had so much climb performance that a Vx or Vy climb was unnecessary and had a too high deck angle.

You'll also find that approaches are steeper with the power all the way back. For the first few, you might just pull the throttle most of the way back, not all the way back.


Many operating limitations specify what to do for major modifications. Read your oplims. Mine say that the FSDO must be notified of my intentions and concur with my proposed flight test area. This would take the form of pushing 2 copies of a letter across the FSDO desk stating the change to the aircraft, my proposed flight test time (normally 5 hrs) and test flight area. An airworthiness inspector would stamp and sign the letter and give me a copy. There isn't any wording in my oplims that say I can do any of this online. FSDOs are appointment only. Call and ask for the duty airworthiness inspector.

Ed Holyoke
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Everything is moving online now

The FAA appears to be directing all 8130-6 applications to their new online site.


Not all of the inspectors in the FSDOs seem to have access to it yet. I recently managed to request a ferry permit through the online system, but the inspector who was assigned to work the request did not have access to the system, and still doesn't a week later. He was, however, able to send me a permit very quickly.

I have a program letter prepared. (Thanks Ed - I copied yours!)

My opslims dictate that a new 8130-6 application must be submitted so the FAA Registry can update their records, in addition to the flight test program letter & test area approval.

Now I just need to figure out how to request the amended certificate via the site.
