
Well Known Member
Please could an expert explain how I?m suppose to use Dynon?s AOA system with Skyview HDX? I?ve calibrated it and I?m thinking it is merely a stall indicator. Is that Right? I've watch videos about flying "on-speed" with AOA but I don't see how to do this. How can I use Dynon's AOA system to fly L/D max? I?ve messed around with calibrating it at different speeds. I?ve tried various settings on the sound. But what I think I?m hearing is beeping that increases in speed until it goes solid when I?m about to stall? I have not figured out how to fly a constant speed on final based on AOA indications. I?m using air speed. So can Dynon?s AOA system help me fly ?on-speed??
Hi Steve,

did you have a look at the webpage? Lots of good info there.

If I recall correctly the first generation was interpreting the data stream from the Dynon etc. to generate the audible clues (the beeps).

In his talks in Oshkosh Vac mentioned a couple of difficulties about getting these systems properly calibrated which is why the second generation is a hardware box with it's own pressure sensors and it's own calibration. You can find a recording of the Friday-Talk here, the calibration bit starts at about 20:55 minutes:
The whole video is very interesting and you get the sound of the Friday airshow as a bonus :D
Someone I know though that flying AoA was something you did all the way to the ground, with no need to flair, based on the advice of a heavy iron pilot we know.

He commented that the landing was awfully hard.

I suggested he might want to try flaring and that you really don't want to fly AoA to the landing, unless you are in the Navy.
In our 14, we fly final with 3 green bars. That translates to about 70 knots indicated. Cut power normally, flare to a smooth touchdown. Works at all flap settings.
Mine has a donut, I keep the green bar on the donut. Works great provided AOA is properly calibrated per manual.