
Well Known Member
I'm no longer updating the FliteCharts in my G3X Touch avionics (switching to Jeppesen charts) and want to uninstall it to cancel the 'out of date' messages at startup. How do I proceed?
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Jeppesen Chart Usage

I noticed from an old post of yours that you were switching to Jepps charts. I am going through that process right now but having a problem with the Jepps charts showing. Garmin and Jeppesen have not yet been able to help. I am ChartView Enabled, I have downloaded the Jepps charts and uploaded them to my G3X and GTN. However, the old Garmin Flite Charts will not disappear or be overwritten, nor will the Jeppesen Electronic Charts appear on my database list even though the upload looked to be normal. Must the SD Card (with the Jepps databases loaded) be kept in the G3X SD Card slot (unlike the Garmin databases) where you can remove the card containing the databases?
What's the secret here? Thanks for any tips you can provide.

If you want to remove any database use the procedure below..This was introduced in Jan 2023

Page 413 of the latest User guide to G3x

Deleting G3X Touch Databases:
1) Power on the display while pressing and holding the NRST button.
2) Press the MENU Key twice to open the Main Menu.
3) Touch Tools.
4) Touch Database Information.
5) Press the MENU Key.
6) Touch Delete Databases.
7) Select which database to delete
8) Touch Delete Selected
Excellent... "Read the manual" wins again!

Be aware, after walking through those steps, the 'out of date' messages still happens at startup. But this time it says "Airport Chart Data Missing".
This was the answer from Garmin couple of months ago:

"There is no way to manually go into the system and delete the file. After 6 months of the database being expired, the system will automatically delete the file."

EDIT: apparently this info is not up to date..
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This was the answer from Garmin couple of months ago:

"There is no way to manually go into the system and delete the file. After 6 months of the database being expired, the system will automatically delete the file."

I don't believe this to be true, as I have used G3X Touch systems with FliteCharts databases that expired years previously but were still able to be used. Perhaps the Garmin support person was confusing Garmin-branded FliteCharts with Jeppesen ChartView, which does have a more rigorous expiration.

The procedure detailed in post #5 of this thread does work, in my experience.