
Well Known Member
I would like to talk to people who have started an EAA Chapter building group within their EAA Chapter. The Chapter I belong to is pretty "uninvolved" and I would like to change that. What I would like to do is have "building members" build 2-3 RV-12's within the EAA Chapter and eventually transfer the planes into a "flying club". Flying members would "buy into" the club based on the share value in the planes.

Some guys like to build and some guys like to fly. This would give everyone the opportunity to get involved.

Basically, what does it take to start a flying club?

Here are some preliminary numbers.

Per Member = 2 RV-12's X $60K each = $120K / 15 members, w/ $7500 in reserve = $8,500 each

Per Month = $50 / month covers insurance, and hanger rent

Per Hour = $20 fuel + oil, $10 for engine replacement, $5 maintenance, $4 reserves = $40 per hour wet.

Now this is a doable VAF Squadron!
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This sounds like a workable idea, but you might want to consider doing it outside of your EAA chapter. EAA takes a very dim view of "aircraft clubs" operating as part of a chapter. Obviously it would involve the same people, possibly the same facilities as your chapter, but just not be part of the official chapter activities.

This sounds like a workable idea, but you might want to consider doing it outside of your EAA chapter. EAA takes a very dim view of "aircraft clubs" operating as part of a chapter. Obviously it would involve the same people, possibly the same facilities as your chapter, but just not be part of the official chapter activities.

Good point. What we would do is build them "inside" an LLC.

Would there be a problem if the EAA chapter built them and "sold" them to the LLC?
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EAA 292

There are numerous ways to structure the ownership, but it works best if one (or more) members buy the kit and invite others to help as a group project. EAA frowns on Chapter ownership of airplanes. We had a guy volunteer to form a group...which is what we've done at EAA 292 in Independence, Oregon. Go to the website, I believe you can find the contact info for Dave Martin who is leading an RV12 project in our chapter. He bought the kit outright and has others helping him build it with input from our chapter tech counselors. I think this project will spawn more RV12 projects within the chapter. If you can't find his contact info there, contact me offline and I'll send you his email address, I'm traveling this week.
Is this because of liability issues or are there other reasons?

In talking with Falcon Insurance it is my understanding it is expressly forbidden to have flying aircraft in an EAA Chapter. You can have all the project you want, but they need to be sold. It is the liability thing, which is killing our country.
Flying Clubs

The AOPA has some great docs on starting your own flying club.

Bob Hassel
Santa Fe, NM