
Well Known Member
I have a GRT EIS 6000 and HX EFIS; my EIS RH button is INOP and I cannot set the total fuel as I used to. I tried to set the total fuel in the EFIS thru the ENG Page and the LH knob. I can get to the ADJ line; when I try to change the fuel amount from the second line (which is what is indicated in the EIS), it just blinks and will not adjust up or down. Is there a setting to allow the EFIS to control the total fuel? Thanks Barry
Go to ‘Graphical engine display setup’ in the setup menus. Scroll down to ‘fuel flow max fuel’, make certain it is set to 60 (for standard rv10 tanks). If it’s blank it will always defer to the EIS.
Edit. Okay, I cheated and read the manual. On the EIS, you also have to set ‘Max Fuel’ to zero.
If you think it’s just a bad contact on the EIS button, it shouldn’t be too hard to access the switch and spray it with contact cleaner.
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GRT will replace the keypad for $50 plus keypad replacement part cost $35. I ordered the part and easily installed myself in 1hr. Doubt the part will allow spray contact cleaner to enter. Just take pictures as you disassemble , they’re sandwich boards. BTW, my repair was for the same reason, no set max fuel, right button gave up.....bottom board in pic is the keypad.


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Thanks much Butch; I'll give changing out the board a try. Were you able to set the Max Fuel thru the EFIS? If so, did you have to change any of the EFIS setups?
I just went thru this configuring my EFIS. My EIS is mounted blind so I had to access it to make config settings. You need to set the fuel to zero on the EIS before the EFIS can control it. But since you can't set it on the EIS you've got a Catch-22.
I was able to update the fuel quanity on the EFIS by going to the 'Graphical Engine Display Setup' menu and changing the ' EIS send fuel ' ( something like that, it was above the max fuel line ) from Auto to No. I have the EIS max fuel set at 0, so I'll see what kind of warnings I'll get. I have dual HX's and I had to update each one seperately. Thanks for all the input from everyone