
Hi, maybe a dumb question, but I have the standard and extended length back rivet sets from Cleaveland tool, and the plastic sleeve on the standard set is split. It?s non usable because it is allowing the rivet tail to drift off the set and is only setting half the rivet tail. I?m trying to remove the sleeve to replace it, but can?t figure out how to remove the pins that ride in the slots on each side of the sleeve. They don?t appear to be hex ends and they don?t punch out. Are these even removable, or am I just too dumb to figure it out? Thanks.
They should be roll pins (at least if it's like my back rivet sets). You may need a roll pin punch to drive them out without damaging the ends. If you use a regular punch, it can mushroom the roll pin ends out and cause problems removing them and driving them back in. You can make a roll pin punch by grinding the end off a regular pin punch to create a little nub at the end, but it's easier to buy one.

Edit: here's a set of roll pin punches and roll pin starters (hollowed out punches that protect the roll pin from damage when first driving it in place) https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1019303727?pid=800990
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Thank you! Yes they are roll pins. I had never seen those before. I was able to get it out but will need to order the set in order to get it back in without damaging the pin. I?ll order some replacement plastic sleeves from Cleveland. Thanks again.
Have you called Cleveland? I?m betting that if you do, they?ll ask you to send it back and replace the sleeve for you.