
Well Known Member
Is there a good trick to pulling the fuel filter for inspection and cleaning. I have the standard Van's configuration of Airflow Performance filter and pump - RV-8 and fuel injected engine. with the fuel selector OFF, I shouldn't get much fuel draining from the tank side, but could get some more from the engine lines? Is there a way to minimize fuel dripping / pooling in the cockpit other than a big stack of rags?
I removed mine for cleaning about a month ago. Very little fuel came out of either line. I suspect the pump has check valve to keep the fuel from flowing back toward the tank but it is not mentioned in the pump service manual.

However, mine is a nose dragger so gravity has less effect on fuel running aft.
I have the same issue. I thought about running the engine with the fuel valve shut off until the engine quits and thus the lines forward would be empty. It also checks that function of the valve....
I disconnnext the fuel line at the servo and using a catch can turn on the pump until the fuel is evacuated from the line. You will hear the pump cavitate and run dry. You can then service the filter with little to no drips.
Yes, disconnect the fuel hose at the servo & drain the lines. At this point you should also service the finger filter under the servo inlet fitting.