
Well Known Member
I received my airworthiness cert earlier this year. I have been trying for awhile to "make an appointment" at the Hillsboro, OR FSDO to present my paperwork for a repairman's certificate but only get VM.

Has anyone just done a walk-in at their local FSDO (or the Hillsboro, OR FSDO) with any luck?
I go to my local FSDO (KICT) every 2 years to renew my CFII and they won't buzz you in the front door unless you call and make an appointment first. YMMV
Each FSDO handles this differently. For example, my FSDO does it by email if the applicant has a letter of recommendation from me. Some FSDOs do it by "zoom".

Best to call your FSDO and ask how they handle it. Even though they may not be in the office, they should return you call within a reasonable time.

I don't think that anyone has been able to "walk in" to a FSDO or MIDO without an appointment since 9/11.
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i talked to an faa inspector , made an appointment and then drove [wednesday]
204 miles to meet him in his hometown. we met at an fbo and it was over in 10 minutes. i don't think he even had time to unzip his jacket! paperwork is finally all behind me.
the milwaukee fsdo initially put me in contact.
No problem in Florida

Called Tampa FSDO and left message and was called back in a day or two,
The guy from Tampa FSDO met me at Clearwater Airpark. He works from home and that was closer for him than driving to the office.

Looked at builder's log and pictures and asked me a few questions and gave me the temp cert he had already prepared.

So, it does look like it varies by state and FSDO.

Suggest you try emailing your FSDO.

I just dealt with my CFI renewal.

Call AND Send email to FSDO of preference (contact is on their webpage).
Wait at least 3 days. Response time is slow.
Expect a call and a ZOOM meeting to follow after you do the following.
Have scan/photo of your ID's and other documents to email the Spacific Inspector handling your application.
Fill out 8610-2 in IACRA and get FTN (write it down or print it out).

All of the Fed civil servants are still working from home "due to the ongoing Covid, crisis . . In fact I heard they are doing CHECK rides by GO PRO.... Ha ha. Why do we pay them? The crisis at this point with vaccines and therapeutics that work (which they deny works), we should get back to normal. THIS IS MY OPINION.
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