
Well Known Member
Hi folks,

Anyone knows how to import user waypoint to G3X, here in Chile we have almost 200 runways that are not on G3X database, I have added all that runways like user waypoint to my 495, yesterday I was able to download those waypoint to my computer, but how I am going to import that waypoint to my G3X, I don't want to manually insert them one by one again:confused:

Fernando, I think you've done the right thing but all I can help you with is their aviation phone number 866 739 5687 (Garmin) they're open now so you can call them if you'd like.

This might work.

Fernando, you must download Garmin's Map source program and with the unit connected to your computer via the supplied cable, upload to the program by clicking the "Export" button. This stores the waypoints in Mapsource. Then connect the G3X to your computer and if it has recognized the unit, press "Import" and the waypoints SHOULD transfer in seconds. This is the method I used to add my 150 existing user waypoints from my old 496 to a newer one in the second airplane.

Hello Fernando,

Since the GDU 37x display is designed to stay installed in the airplane, it isn't normally connected to a computer, but such a connection is supported via RS-232 if you build a temporary cable to do it. I know that Flavio Camelier has done this, so you might try reaching out to him.

There is also a way to import user waypoints via an .fpl file. You can find more details in this post.

- Matt
Bulk upload of user waypoints

Last time I checked (which was a few months ago, so things may have changed) there were a lot of registered airfields still missing from the Garmin VFR database in Australia. I too would like to do a bulk upload of airfield data to my G3X Touch and was wondering what the current procedure was to achieve this task. I looked through the latest version of the Pilot's Guide and there didn't seem to be anything beyond the individual entry directly into the unit. The procedure outlined in Matt's link above seems a rather time consuming method of achieving this end, unless you are smart enough to create a macro or similar to streamline this process. I've worked out how to do this for the Aera 660 (using Mapsource), but I'm all ears for a relatively simple way of achieving this uploading efficiently for the G3X Touch.
Last time I checked (which was a few months ago, so things may have changed) there were a lot of registered airfields still missing from the Garmin VFR database in Australia. I too would like to do a bulk upload of airfield data to my G3X Touch and was wondering what the current procedure was to achieve this task. I looked through the latest version of the Pilot's Guide and there didn't seem to be anything beyond the individual entry directly into the unit. The procedure outlined in Matt's link above seems a rather time consuming method of achieving this end, unless you are smart enough to create a macro or similar to streamline this process. I've worked out how to do this for the Aera 660 (using Mapsource), but I'm all ears for a relatively simple way of achieving this uploading efficiently for the G3X Touch.
Ask and you shall (hopefully) receive...

If the good folk at Dynon don't get upset at me for uploading them there, you can find two files containing a listing of every Australian ALA and Certified aerodrome that you can (again, hopefully) import into your G3X.

Pop on over to my post at Dynon while you idly wonder why you bought a G3X and download them there. Rename them to *.FPL and try importing them to your G3X system while keeping your fingers crossed. Good luck! :D