
Well Known Member
Hey Guys,
So heres my problem, these forums have become my favorite site on the internet and I enjoy reading on everyones progress on there fabrications. I am currently a student at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach and am also in Army ROTC so there is'nt much time to do much of anything after school. I have a real passion for hands on work and cant wait until im fortunate enough to start building my own RV. Being in School I don't have too much room and of course not the money to start construction just yet, So my question is what are yall's suggestions on how I can get started with small projects and such to work my way up to eventually a tail kit. Is there anyone from this area who is in the middle of construction and would'nt mind an extra set of hand? I have alot of experience working on aircraft such as cubs and Pitts but not much with aluminum. So sorry to drag this out but I'm just trying to find a way to get my hands dirty with the construction of my own RV so any of your ideas/ comments would be great.

Thanks alot,
(I'm will also be going home to Mckinney Tx for the holiday so the same offer goes out to anyone in that area as well)
Hey David!


You've definitely come to the right place. VAF is THE definitive site for RV'ers.

I started my RV4 when I was a 2nd lieutenant in the USAF (did AFROTC myself) Renting a house got me a garage to build in, thankfully my landlord let me do it. I'm assuming you at least have a garage to work in. That's how many, if not most, of these airplanes get done.

You can start for very little money by getting a preview plans kit for around $55.00 from Vans. Study it thoroughly, and find a few RV builder/flyers around where you live. I got started literally the night I found out about RV's after attending my first chapter meeting in Enid, OK. An RV6 builder there invited me over, and I got my first hands-on experience that night!

You can begin now also by getting some tools. Get GOOD tools. Ask Santa this year for a nice air drill! :D You'll find lots of advise on tools right here on VAF. This community of builders and flyers is the best anywhere, and we absolutely will lend you our opinions, help you make decisions, and keep you motivated if you stay in touch.

For now, my advise is to basically take it slow - I know you're chomping at the bit but the best thing you can do is to get as much information about these projects as possible. Take a good long look at other builders' websites. Many of us have blogs that can give you a huge advantage in building your first airplane. Take note of things you like. Pay attention to details that interest you. Let your imagination run!!

I'd also implore you to GET A RIDE in one of these airplanes (you guys near McKinney jump in here). Just put up a thread here on VAF and let us know you're looking for a ride (sorry I'm still building but had an RV4 for 7 years). Way back, a very fine gentleman from OKC gave me a ride in his brand new RV4 on a Sunday afternoon. I was just so freaked out!! I ordered the whole kit the next day, and had to take a signature loan out to pay for it. Trust me, you will absolutely love this whole thing. Flying your own airplane - one you've built - has no equal anywhere else in my view.

Sorry if I'm a bit long here, but it's my passion in life. Stay focused on exactly what you want. You don't need to make concessions, even though the finances might seem otherwise. You can - and will - achieve what you work for. Building your own airplane puts you into a special class of aviators, and let me tell you there's nothing like putting 3000+ hours of your best effort into something like this. Effort = Results in life, and its those things you expend the greatest effort in that you will remember. Go for it, but be smart and take your time.

Wish you the best, and keep an eye out for me next year!!


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