
Well Known Member
Hi gang.

I have a AFS 4500s and a 3400s installed and I'm working with the setup these days.

Now, I'm wondering how to get the W & B screen to show metric numbers?
Right now, there's lbs, gallons and pounds showing and those numbers are not very useful in Europe.

I have managed to get the fuel quantity gages into litres as you can see on the pics, but somehow the W & B screen won't show metric?

BTW: the weight numbers shown in the coloums are factory numbers, because my plane hasn't been weighted yet. (Would love that empty weight though. :) )

I'm NOT running the latest SW version, so maybe this is the reason?
The plane is not ready for the first flight for another 6-12 weeks, so for now I'm only working with the setup and calibration of the 4500. I'll update the SW shortly.

No one...?

I have had the same question up on the AFS support forum for a few days now, but so far no replies.

Therefore, I've put up the same post here, because I figured that would give me an answer in minutes, or maybe an hour or two at the most...

Is it really no one out there in the metric world who can help me with this one...?

Or somebody else for that matter...?

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I've not done this but reading the manual would lead me to believe that your solution involves editing the AIRCRAFT.AFD file.

I'm guessing but assume that the display text, including the unit definitions, is held in that file. The actual mathematic should be independent of the units anyway - it's just weight value x distance values, so long as the correct range is set. See page 66 of the V7.4 manual.

Let us know if this is in the right area.

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1. Backup the Weight and Balance (AIRCRAFT.AFD) to the map SD card

2. Using WordPad on a PC Edit the AIRCRAFT.AFD file to the units you want to use, including:


You will also need to convert all the numbers to cm, Liters, kg

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems Inc.
Thanks for chiming in Rob!

I'm not so good with computers, so to avoid me misunderstanding this:

First I download the software into the SD card from the AFS website, then I go into the SD card while it's still in my pc, then edit the AFD file? Then finally put it in the 4500 and update?

For me, this sounds alittle complicated, but I'll give it a try.

Maybe there could be intruduced an easier way for switching beetween metric and inches in a future SW update?
It'd be great if the switching could be as easily as it is today to switch beetween litres and gallons! That's something even us non-pc guru's can do quickly. :)

Instructions can be found on page 64 of the 4.7 manual for the 4500. You don't download these files from AFS, you get them from your EFIS.

With the sd card in the EFIS, you save the various afd files by toggling them on the transfer file menu. You transfer one file at a time or all of them.

Then you can take out the sd card and edit the file on your pc.

Once edited, then you have to reverse the process to get the updated file back on the EFIS.

Ahaaaa.... things are starting to make sense.... I have seen that page in the manual, but I have never thought it could be used to make changes in the system itself.

I'll give it a try and see what happens.

Thanks alot for chiming in Bob!
Email me the W&B info for your plane and I will send you a file to load.

Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems