Rick RV-4

Well Known Member
What have you guys been doing to direct air to some of your "heat sensitive" devices (mags, alternator, etc). I planned on using a section of 1" SCAT hose with air taken off the baffles to do this, but I'm not finding a good way to get the exit portion of the hose lined up with the accessory. In other words, the hose is very flexible so it needs some kind of "anchor" to direct the flow at the accessory I'm trying to cool.

How have you guys been doing this? I'm thinking a WDG clamp would work but I'm not finding a good place to attach it that will still provide flow in the right direction - there aren't any convenient attachment points for the clamp. .

I considered a piece of 1" copper or soft aluminum tube that could be bent into the required shape - anyone tried this?



Some people including myself have installed a 1/8" brass or steel spine in the blast tube. This can be done by threading the 1/8 material for a 6/32 steel nut and locknut combination. The spine can then be bent to direct the blast tube where needed. See the photo for clarification.

I like Joe's idea but I used Adel clamps to hold them in place.

Look close at these pictures and you will see the clamps holding them in place.

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of how I held the alternator blast tube in place. I tied it to the bracket with some lacing.
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Which way is the air trying to flow in the alternator?

I have been puzzling exactly where to direct the air at the alternator. It looks to me as though ,on the ND 40amp alternator that Aerosport Power sell, the air is pumped from back to front. Can anyone confirm this? If so, I am assuming it is best to aim the blast tube at the square grill in the shroud on the back. (If it were pumping the other way I would just aim at the front.)
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of how I held the alternator blast tube in place. I tied it to the bracket with some lacing.

My alternator had a nice tapped boss already on it. A metric bolt and an adle clamp worked out great.

I have been puzzling exactly where to direct the air at the alternator. It looks to me as though ,on the ND 40amp alternator that Aerosport Power sell, the air is pumped from back to front. Can anyone confirm this? If so, I am assuming it is best to aim the blast tube at the square grill in the shroud on the back. (If it were pumping the other way I would just aim at the front.)

Ditto on that question,
I got an airplane power 60A altenator, it suppose to be turning the correct way, or that is what i read 2nd hand somewhere, so I aimed my hose at the front. But I also would like someone to confirm for me.

PS Also where to point scat tube at Mags, front or back???

Thanks, Kind Regards
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the instructions for plane power say to direct air toward the back.

I used tie straps/tywraps to encourage the convoluted hose to point in the correct area (back of alternator [attached directly to cooling holes of unit] and body of the mag).
Scat tube fitting on the baffle?

How are you holding the 1 inch tubing to the baffle? ACS and Van's both sell 2 inch flange fittings, but how do you mount smaller hoses at the baffle end?
Blast tube

I didn't install blast tube to the alternator but did install two for the P-mags. I used Vans Corrugated conduit. Drill the hole and snap it in place. Add a dab of RTV. It wont move.
Heat muff comes off the #1 baffle inlet. Remember the screen to keep bugs out.
What have you guys been doing to direct air to some of your "heat sensitive" devices (mags, alternator, etc).

The better question might be "What have you guys been doing to ensure blowing air at a heat sensitive device actually does any good? Most of the blast tubes I've seen can't lower component temperature very much, as they just point at some general vicinity. The obvious exception would be a device with a shroud, and a nipple to attach the tube...and even then, the component will adopt the local temperature shortly after landing.

Regarding alternator airflow...in at the ends and out at the center.