
Well Known Member
I'm zeroed in on getting one of the advanced panels from AFS. I'm having trouble deciding on which screen to get. Any opinions from some people who have went through this before me would be greatly appreciated. I think I like the look of the Dynon but the AFS has a couple features I like better. I would love to get to Sun n Fun next week to get one last hands on session before ordering, but I would rather put that money towards the parts I still have to buy. What to do???
I just completed a panel upgrade in my RV-7 two years ago, and went through the same mental anguish. I spent the better part of Oshkosh 2016 parked in front of the Dynon/Advanced booth just pushing buttons, asking questions, examining user interfaces, and generally making a nuisance of myself.

Two things I really liked about the Advanced is the ability to have the EFIS control a remote audio panel (saves space in the radio rack) and the user friendly NAV modes for IFR.

I finally decided to go with the Dynon panel. I liked the menu system - it just seemed intuitive and easy to navigate. The Dynon system works very nicely in an IFR environment. My CFII (who got his first taste of glass IFR) was extremely impressed with the information that I had available on the Dynon, including HSI and artificial horizon overlaid on the PFD, while also having IFR charts or approach plates visible at the same time, and having my aircraft location following on the chart or approach plate.

I'm building an RV-14 now, and plan to put in the exact same panel as my RV-7, but upgrading to the HDX.
I went through the same quandary. I paid a visit to the AFS gang in Oregon before deciding on which screens to buy. They had a couple of tables setup with all their products in simulator mode. I had as much time as I needed to play with the different units, ask questions and make a decision. Also got a nice tour of the facility. In the end I chose a Dual AFS 5600T quick panel for my -7. I placed my order that day, and received my complete panel in about 10 weeks. I could not be happier with their products, service and tech support.
Sun n Fun is a great venue to preview all the products, but can be very hectic and may not allow you the quality time to evaluate the different units. If possible I would recommend a trip to Oregon, plus you can visit Van's and the Evergreen museum is right down the road.
The good news is you can't go wrong with either product.

My experience is that AFS tends to bring new features to the product quicker than Dynon. From what I've been able to judge, they also provide patches on a more frequent schedule.

I can't speak to Dynon support, but I've had plenty of support calls that are outside of normal business hours with AFS.
I just completed a panel upgrade in my RV-7 two years ago, and went through the same mental anguish. I spent the better part of Oshkosh 2016 parked in front of the Dynon/Advanced booth just pushing buttons, asking questions, examining user interfaces, and generally making a nuisance of myself.

Two things I really liked about the Advanced is the ability to have the EFIS control a remote audio panel (saves space in the radio rack) and the user friendly NAV modes for IFR.

I finally decided to go with the Dynon panel. I liked the menu system - it just seemed intuitive and easy to navigate. The Dynon system works very nicely in an IFR environment. My CFII (who got his first taste of glass IFR) was extremely impressed with the information that I had available on the Dynon, including HSI and artificial horizon overlaid on the PFD, while also having IFR charts or approach plates visible at the same time, and having my aircraft location following on the chart or approach plate.

I'm building an RV-14 now, and plan to put in the exact same panel as my RV-7, but upgrading to the HDX.

Exactly my situation. I'm assuming the AFS screens would do the same thing with the IFR charts/plates right? I would like to be IFR rated one day so those capabilities you listed would be nice. Was it mostly the menus which swayed you?
Exactly my situation. I'm assuming the AFS screens would do the same thing with the IFR charts/plates right? I would like to be IFR rated one day so those capabilities you listed would be nice. Was it mostly the menus which swayed you?

I think the two things that swayed me toward Dynon was that I was upgrading from a legacy Dynon to an upgraded Skyview (staying with the same mfg) and also that Dynon is just a half hour away from me. I've had great customer support and having them nearby is a huge bonus.

I'm pretty sure that Dynon and Advanced share a lot of the base programming for their equipment. That's why you can use the Dynon or Advanced equipment interchangeably on either platform. The higher level programming is different, which affects what you see on displays, menu hierarchy, etc. But I'm sure that the IFR capabilities for Advanced are just as good as the displays for Dynon.
Did not like the long menus

on the Dynon, and other manufacturers' screens -- Garmin the worst -- anyway, went with the AFS 5600T and so glad I did -- the dedicated buttons and the ease of working through the screens is wonderful -- plus, any Dynon gadgets work with the AFS, as well as other third-party add-ins.

AFS support is terrific!

One difference is that AFS tends to be more "open" whereas Dynon wants you to buy their stuff. An example is ADS-B in support - AFS can take GDL90 formatted data from multiple places, including a Stratux, while Dynon insists that you buy their ADS-B receiver.
I was also told I can use the Garmin G5 as a back up display/adahrs with the AFS. Thats an attractive option that I don't believe the Dynon does. I need to get a pro/con list going and then play with each one again.
The AFS units have a menu option to change the display to a Skyview graphic format, although not changing the actual functions.
I have always liked the AFS mainly due to the layout of the PFD and the menu functions. As Bob said, you really can't go wrong with either system. I see AFS as the leader of innovation with Dynon following suit. As others have said, both run on the SkyView network so everything works. I'm finishing up my highly customized quick panel now with three AFS screens. I also wanted the IFD540 and it integrates seamlessly with the AFS.
I too looked at both really hard, but in the end went with a quick panel from Advanced with Dual AFS5600's, Dynon Comm and a bunch of other little things and ready for a Avidyne when I am ready. I am actually picking up this week :) so expect photos of it soon

My reasoning came down to:

Flexibility of AFS as mentioned. Want a Garmin Nav/Comm? Sure, drops right in (better with their ACM). G5 or Dynon backup? Same deal-

I think the AFS screens are slightly better resolution.

I like the dedicated buttons on AFS

But the thing that won me over was Rob and his team. I heard from several folks, and witnessed it personally that he is pretty much always available for support. I was working on my 7A recently and I he showed up on a Saturday to help out with a panel replacement with their stuff going into a Sportsman (for several hours). Then a 14 showed up, he went out and did a Software update on that plane and then went back to the Sportsman. This was on a Saturday away from his home airport.

The team was great to work with too as I made some changes to my panel during the design phase.

Like others have said, I don't think you can go wrong either way
If you plan on wiring the panel yourself, can you buy the advanced control module, or is that only available in a quick panel created by them?


I have installed AFS equipment in three airplanes i have built over the last dozen years. The basic functionality that functions on my 5600 will still interface with the early 4500. AFS not only interfaces across their entire product line, it will interface with most other devices that allow it ie stratux etc.
I have dealt with Rob and his team for years. They have set a very high bar for customer service that i doubt any of their competitors can match. It is rare to find a small company that not only offers great service, but is a leading edge EFIS manufacturer.
Ok, so I'll chuck in the grenade in this. Played with the Dynon. Then played with the AFS. And then the GRT. Put my money on the GRT HXr next day.

BL: Fiddle with the gear, push the buttons, turn the knobs and buy the one that speaks to you. And forget what it costs. They're all close enough to amortize to peanuts over your life span.
Thanks for all the responses. We have made the decision to get to Sun n Fun for 1 day. I will be spending as much time as I can at the AFS booth messing with the panels. I'm a new pilot with no time behind a screen so part of my problem is I don't know what I'll like or won't like when flying. If anyone has tips on exactly what I should try to do with the screens I would be all ears!!
Thanks for all the responses. We have made the decision to get to Sun n Fun for 1 day. I will be spending as much time as I can at the AFS booth messing with the panels. I'm a new pilot with no time behind a screen so part of my problem is I don't know what I'll like or won't like when flying. If anyone has tips on exactly what I should try to do with the screens I would be all ears!!

Come see me at Sun-n-Fun Booth B-20 and you can try both systems. I just upgraded my Avidyne IFD540 to a IFD550 in my RV-10 and had to make a test flight last night. I have had both the Avidyne IFD and Garmin GTN650 in my RV-10 for years and have lots of experience with both. The IFD550 has an internal ARS (AHRS - heading) that can be used as a backup attitude display. Now that I have a panel mounted backup attitude solution I can remove the G5 from the glare shield.




Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
N402RH RV-10
Thanks Rob, I definitely want to talk with you. I am planning on being there Thursday so you will see me then!!
Like others have said, I don't think you can go wrong either way
I agree 1000%. Push the buttons on both units then pick the one that feels "best" for you. Whichever one you pick, you won't regret it.

FWIW I have the Dynon SkyView in my airplane.

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I looked at both systems for my build. For me, it came down to the need (or lack thereof) to integrate other manufacturers into my panel. The Advanced has a lot more flexibility (more complex setup) to accomplish this.

I bought mostly Dynon components and was still able to add a Garmin audio, 2nd com, and GPS with no issues. Also, several pilots around me fly the Dynon system, so I have people to bounce ideas off of. So I have HDX panels in my build. The tilt shelf is very ergonomic and the underside allowed me to install led strip lighting for the switches underneath.

My two cents,
Screen size

I have AFS 5500T in my RV-7, everything on the backside is Dynon. As many have already written I liked the look and feel of the AFS screen over Dynon's. The one factor that pushed me to AFS was screen size.

I believe the 7" screen is too small and the 10" screen takes up too much space in the panel. AFS offers an 8.4" screen that I felt was the best compromise between image size and panel space consumed. Dynon does not offer an 8.4" screen.

I recommend printing the screen images and taping them to your panel. That way you can determine which screen, and screen size, is right for your eyes and your aircraft.
One more thing for me, and it may or may not matter to many, is the build quality of the AFS hardware. The bezels are CNC milled aluminum , then anodized. The buttons and knobs feel more industrial/substantial to me vs the others. The Garmin and even Dynon units felt more fragile to me, the feel of the buttons felt cheaper too.

Again, you can't go wrong with any of them- pick what feels best to you.
They are both great products. I have been flying with AFS for many years and have them in my RV-10, but I also fly Garmin in the RV-14 and Dynon in the RV-12 demo aircraft. So, I get to fly all 3 on a regular basis. While I do install more AFS systems than any others, I tell everyone to install the panel that works for you. We all process information differently.

I do find the AFS screens more intuitive than the others. They have much fewer menus, with everything pretty much accessible by touching the screen.

Carol has made the comment that she likes the AFS stuff better as she finds it easier to find what she is looking for. That's from a non-pilot perspective.

The support from AFS is hands-down the absolute best support in the industry. If everyone else would model their support responsiveness after AFS we would all be in Nirvana. :)

For a guy who is planning everything around having the ultimate 3-screen AFS panel one day, the unanswered question in this thread about the Advanced Control Module becoming available to us roll-your-own types is ... nagging.

Anybody heard?
For a guy who is planning everything around having the ultimate 3-screen AFS panel one day, the unanswered question in this thread about the Advanced Control Module becoming available to us roll-your-own types is ... nagging.

Anybody heard?

From Advanced FAQ
Can I just buy components and build my own panel?
Yes, you can! If you really want to make your own panel we offer the ?Panel-less AcvancedPanel?. You get everything that comes with an ADVANCEDPANEL, just without the actual panel. We still make all the harnesses and assemble, test and calibrate all the components just like every other ADVANCEDPANEL.

Not necessary exactly what you asked, but close.
Advanced Control Module

FYI, we will sell the ACM without the panel, but it is only sold with all the harnesses. Give AFS a call for a quote. I have one running on my test bench and it is a pretty awesome unit. I wish it had been available when I built my
Understand. Not what I hoped to hear.

Building the harness was the one task I was willing to take on myself. Cutting and labeling the panel was the one task I wanted Advanced or someone else to do for me. So that isn't going to work as I'd hoped.

Cheapskate builder here, with crimping tools and willing to work for myself for less than I'd pay someone else :rolleyes:
Bill, sounds like you are in the same boat as me. The Canadian dollar is killing me, and every little bit we can do ourselves helps. Plus I?ve loved every bit of the build and I look forward to doing as much of it as I can.
I'm trying to be as frugal as I dare with this build. I bought a used partial kit and I've bought many things here on VAF to save money. The panel and engine are 2 areas I guess I am not being frugal. I could save thousands doing the panel myself, but I love the look and simplicity of the AFS quick panel. I will be doing enough wiring even using the quick panel. I'm saving myself hundreds of hours I would imagine with the amount of research I do when tackling something new. I'll just dip a little further into the savings. What the heck, you can't take it with you. Enjoy life while you can!!!!
If you do the math, the quick panel is not that much more $, and is really a plug and play operation as far as the radios, ADAHARS, and switches. There is still a fair amount of wiring to connect all of your ancillary equipment (lights, fuel pump, servos etc.) to the ACM harnesses. The panel itself is a beautiful complete unit that screws right in place.
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Call Advanced and talk with them directly to see what they need to package together. Their dealers (Stein or Jesse Saint or others) may be able to help, but I am not sure if they are able to sell the ACM. Someone should be able to help especially if there is other hardware included.

Another option you may be already aware of is the approach fast stack http://www.approachfaststack.com/about.html It a hub for avionics and does not have the power circuitry and breakers like the ACM, but it does do the signal connections. The approach fast stack has been around a very long time, years maybe even a decade before the ACM.
Sun-N-Fun Special

Sun-N-Fun Package Special with ACM-ECB
I suspect you can't beat this deal, even if you do all the wiring.
You get to decide if you want HDX or AFS



Rob Hickman
Advanced Flight Systems
N402RH RV-10 RV-12iS under construction
I planned on asking this question next week at the show but why not throw it out there now. Since the quick panel can function with the Garmin navigators can it also use the new 175 that was just released?
I already sent an email to Ken Chard of AFS. He does their software programming. I told him that I thought the Garmin 175/375 were going to be wildly popular and that the quicker AFS announced they were compatible, the more AFS systems they would sell. Waiting to hear back.

I planned on asking this question next week at the show but why not throw it out there now. Since the quick panel can function with the Garmin navigators can it also use the new 175 that was just released?