Scott Chastain

Active Member
Show me your ways, Lord;
Teach me your paths.
Lead me in your truth and teach me,
For you are the God of my salvation;
On you I wait all the day.

Psalm 25:4-5
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Awesome news Scott. Welcome to the 'repeat offenders anonymous' club!!!

"and I remembered what a joy it was to find little aluminum curlies stuck to the bottoms of my shoes each night before going to bed. "

You'll certainly have some of that with the -3 :)

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Louise ad I won't be far behind Scott - we've been featuring the nest (gathering and cleaning up tools and such) to get started on the next airframe....proabbly will wait until later in next year due to our respective professional workloads - but I am already salivating over the thought of fresh new aluminum to shape and fit.....

And Louise already has an N-number reserved!

There must be something in the air. I just ordered the preview plans for an RV3. And I'm telling myself no real parts untill the 6 is painted. These rainey days gives a person too much time to think. Merry Christmas to all.

Welcome to the club

I can tell you that after 20 years of flying my -3, I have made the choice not to sell mine after my -4 is done.:p Waaaaaay tooooo much fun!!!!!!!:D:D:D keep banging out those rivits, because the best is yet to come!!!!!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all RV dreams!!:D

Mike Bauer
Bartow, Fl.

RV-3 N87LB flying
RV-4 N742MC building
Hey Scott, welcome aboard! If your -3B turns out anything like your -8 you're going to have one beautiful little bird. I predict you'll enjoy the build too, having built a "regular RV" you're the perfect candidate.

Be sure and keep us posted, of course you know the rest of us are here to help, and I'm happy to provide what support I can including phone conversations.

Hmm, that brings up an idea -- so as to not drift this thread off topic look for another thread I'll post on "RV-3 support idea".

RV-3's forever!
More photos!!!


The one thing I wish I had done when I built my -3 was to have taken way more photos. Had I known about Picasa I would have done just that. While you're waiting on the tail kit, think about setting up an account.

My Picasa albums suffer from a severe lack of foresight and planning, so they'll serve as a good example of how not to do it.

My experience has been that a 160 hp -3 will do everything that a 180 hp CS RV-8 will do. Except carry a passenger.

Welcome to the party Scott! Take tons of pics and video. I wish I took more video or time lapse photography. The 3 is such an extreme slow build that it make for great time lapse photography. Good luck and have fun.
I know I can make this thing happen with an attitude of perseverance, and with that dream tapping me onward of getting raw material from Mother Earth to soar from her clutches. Wish me luck!

Those are great words! I'm still deep in the throws of building my -8, but I too dream of building an RV-3B next go-around (or maybe a Rocket ;)). I told a friend who is building a Sportsman 2+2 that I want to start another airplane as soon as the RV-8 is complete and he looked at me like I have 3 heads. I might change my mind once I have been through the whole experience, but I doubt it.
Kudos to you!
Faith, Scott....

......I'm already very excited about this next project, although I just cannot fathom how in the world I'm going to finance it!

......just as in your -8 project:)....and if it's anywhere near as much a show stopper as the -8, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

Just to confirm

what Tony said. My 160 hp -3 can catch and pass everything from a -4, to an -8, with just a cruise prop.:D When I ordered it, the man said that my take off would suffer slightly, he was right, it takes me an extra 2' to take off, :rolleyes: if there is a difference, I don't see it. A 180 hp on a -3, not worth the effort, or the weight.

3's rule!!!!:D

Mike Bauer
Bartow Fl

RV-3 N87LB flying
RV-4 N742MC building
I've had the same experience. I'm retiring Dec 31. No way I would do that without having a building project to do when my feet hit the floor every morning. I still have the RV8 to fly when I get the itch. I hope I'm not committing heresy but I'll be building a plans built Bearhawk. It presents some different building challenges such as tube and fabric fuselage and how to formulate a materials list when everything doesn't come in a box.
Made in the USA

Now there's a thought: Instead of investing countless billions in bailout money on Wall Street and American auto manufacturers, why doesn't the government just send all of us Vanheads a check to finance a complete RV project? We could march on Washington with picket signs that read, "GIVE US THE BUCKS TO BUCK THE ECONOMY!":D Just a thought . . .
Great idea - it would be pretty hard to find a higher percentage of Made in the USA parts in any other vehicle than in a typical RV.
Would I fit?

Never sat in a 3! How tight is it for a 6'3" 215 lb lightweight? I miss the building!
Randy Utsey
RV-7 / 165 hrs
Never sat in a 3! How tight is it for a 6'3" 215 lb lightweight? I miss the building!
Randy Utsey
RV-7 / 165 hrs

How much padding do you want to take out of the seat?

If you want to try one on, Eric Sandifer has one in Apex. My guess is that he's easily a 6'3" beanpole. I'm 6'1" measured horizontally and 5'10" on the vertical. My -3 is at Stag Air park, about 15 miles north of Wilmington.

what Tony said. My 160 hp -3 can catch and pass everything from a -4, to an -8, with just a cruise prop.:D When I ordered it, the man said that my take off would suffer slightly, he was right, it takes me an extra 2' to take off, :rolleyes: if there is a difference, I don't see it. A 180 hp on a -3, not worth the effort, or the weight.

3's rule!!!!:D

Mike Bauer
Bartow Fl

RV-3 N87LB flying
RV-4 N742MC building

Thats one hot rod RV3. If your'e ever on the left coast let me know and I'll introduce you to a couple of RV4 and one RV6 pilot that'll give you a chance to back up your claim. :D
RV3 978TM
Thats one hot rod RV3. If your'e ever on the left coast let me know and I'll introduce you to a couple of RV4 and one RV6 pilot that'll give you a chance to back up your claim. :D
RV3 978TM


There are usually very minor exceptions to every general statement :)

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You guys are sick, sick, sick...

Who knows. Maybe I'll be right there with you... if I ever finish this one.
OK Scott , you have pushed me over the edge . I started dreaming about the next project even before my -8 was finished . Ive had the preview set for a while and ordered the tail kit for a -3B yesterday . Build the -3 week days and fly the -8 week ends , that's the plan.

Let the game begin (again )

OK Scott , you have pushed me over the edge . I started dreaming about the next project even before my -8 was finished . Ive had the preview set for a while and ordered the tail kit for a -3B yesterday . Build the -3 week days and fly the -8 week ends , that's the plan.

Let the game begin (again )

Dadgummit Allen:p

You've forced ME over the edge--------I've beaten my wife into submission today.:eek: She finally said "go for it".:D I'll be ordering mine next week.:D

Just wish I'd have done it two days earlier.:rolleyes: