
I have 13 hours on an o-360, the oil use went down at 11 hrs. When should I change to 15-50 oil? Larry
When oil

consumption stabilizes. I also do a hot compression test to see what the ring are doing. Consider getting a copy of Key Reprints from Lycoming. It has all that stuff and more, and it's free if you own one of their engines.

-4 started and sold
dreaming again
A&P I.A. D.O.M.
breakin time

I have 13 hours on an o-360, the oil use went down at 11 hrs. When should I change to 15-50 oil? Larry

larry, i would change the oil with mineral and keep running it hard. at 50 hrs switch to 15-50 and keep running it hard!!!!! say 200 hrs. then fly a lot and run it 60% or higher. enyoy flyin as long as you can. we are a lucky bunch of aviators. i have broke in 2 engines. first went 3,150 hrs. second one is now at 250 and broken in.