
Well Known Member
I've got my stand made up, and I want to get the spars in the stand today... but I dont know how high to put the spars to allow sufficient room on the bottom for ribs, building, jack to support middle, etc.... Any input?

btw, its a -7, and I'm using Rudi Greyling's stand design.
You have the wing kit. Take a main rib and mock it up to your preference.
From my RV-6A slow build ...which is similar in dimensions to your 7.

My wing jig supported the rear spar about 31in off the floor, and that put the main spar about chin level (I am 6'2"). The suggestion to use one of the wing ribs as a reference is a good one, I think it is on the order of 23 or 24 inches. At times I had to lay on the floor and work on the "bottom" side of the rear spar, so the height was good for me.

Also, at some point, you will need to attach the leading edge skins and all the tank work. That will require you to work standing up or on some type of platform (or ladder).
Stool height

If you don't have, go spend 20 bucks and get a mechanics stool that adjusts and is on rollers. Set the spar high enough you can easily roll around and work on it. Spend a few more dollars on a step stool because you'll use it later and your bucking buddy needs one to sit on. You'll also use the stool later when you do fuselage work. I think the Kobalt one from Lowes was about 20-25 bucks. Both are worth their weight in gold and will save your knees and back later.

A good height for the bottom is about where you knee bends so you don't have to bend over when you sit on the stool.
Wing Height in Stand

I set mine so I could hang the flap and aileron:

Main spar web: 49"
Aft spar web: 22.5"

This will put the LE at about 67" for the 7 or 8 wings.

I didn't need to stand on anything to do riveting and used a roll-around mechanics stool when working on the lower parts of the wing.

I believe my main spar was at upper chest level. That gave enough room for the ailerons and work on the lower spar, withought having the leading edges too high.
I set my spars about shoulder high, just about where it felt right.
