
Well Known Member
It's rude to ask anyone their age directly, I suppose. But I've been curious as to the age distribution of RV builders. Is it weighed more heavily to people in their twenties, middle-aged folks, or those in retirement?
I'm 30, and wonder whether I'm just about average.
Also, this community seems to be overwhelmingly dominated by men. Are there many women building RVs ?
older than i feel

I'm soon to be 60, hard to believe!! i wanted to build a 4 since I took my son to Osh. 15 yrs ago, life, unfortunately, got in the way. Now with a second marriage another teenager to raise and a wife who dislikes small planes, I am building, although slowly, a '7'. wish i had started way back then!

empennage just about done
wings soon to be ordered
prkaye said:
It's rude to ask anyone their age directly, I suppose. But I've been curious as to the age distribution of RV builders. Is it weighed more heavily to people in their twenties, middle-aged folks, or those in retirement?
I'm 30, and wonder whether I'm just about average.
Also, this community seems to be overwhelmingly dominated by men. Are there many women building RVs ?

Hmm, I didn't search and I know Doug prunes the list to conserve space, but there was a poll that ran for quite a long time asking this very question. If memory serves me correctly there were 2 leading age groups. One mid 50's-early 60's and one mid 40's. Those were running neck and neck for awhile, with the mid 50's having the "by a nose" advantage.

REVISED NOTE: I found the poll

it's here.
Started my -7A at 42. Now 44 and 1st baby on the way. I already ordered 80 feet of red velvet rope to go around my plane. ;)


If you are building your own airplane you are so far off into the tail of the population distribution you might be considered an individual anomaly. I don't think age has anything to do with it. Regardless of the poll results it has to do more with desire, willingness and ability. I have to go the the airport now to work on my baffle mod - trying to get a little more speed.

Bob Axsom
How old?

Born in first half of last century!
Complete private-pilot course was $750.00 when I did it.
Remember Truman campaigning from back of train.
High school car was 11 year-old Chevy. '57 Belair coupe, to be exact.
Sputnik was around 1st grade.
Remember this new guy on the radio called "Elvis".
Thought the B-52's I first saw on the flightline in 1970 were "ancient".
Was 27 when I started building. My wife gives me a hard time because "all your friends are like 50." Whatever, she's just jealous. :cool:

Nice thing about this hobby is that it brings everybody together regardless of age, background, etc. I've heard it said that aviation is the great equalizer. It's not uncommon for me to be flying off the wing of somebody who flew fighters in a war fought before I was born...or a retired CEO...or a part-time janitor. You see it all age-wise and otherwise.

For the most part, we're all in the same shoes once the wheels leave the ground -- or while pulling the trigger on the rivet gun.
Started my -6 at 39, my -8A at 50 (two years ago). That makes my average
44.5. I'm one of the guys Dan's wife talks about! Age is relative (that coming from a guy in his EARLY 50's, go figure).
Mind feels like 29, but the body feels like a 100 (some days)....thank goodness for advil :)

David Domeier
Troy Airpark, Missouri 02MO
Started WAAAAY too late....

I'm 41 and wish I'd started when I was 31. Oh well, glad to be at it now.

BTW, I am testing my first fuel tank right now and it has been 45 minutes with no drop in the 2' 3" column of water in my manometer. I am bordering on giddy :)

Married, no kids, nieces and nephews are easier :D
Started My RV7 at 43. It was my birthday present to myself. As for women builders, there is one RV6 that was build by a lady in my EAA chapter. There is another RV7 being built by a female in the same hanger with me. Both taildraggers.

Average Age?

The typical airplane builder is over 55. IMHO, it takes that long for someone to raise a family and have enough financial resources to do it. There are more under 50 year old RV builders that I know about than any other airplane type.

I was 40 years 4 months old when I made the first flight. I am now 49. It took 8.5 years to build the airplane. I turned 32 right after I started building.

As for female RV builders, they are out there. 5.9% of the pilots are females. Judy in Texas is flying an RV-6A she built. In SoCAL we have two females that have built RVs. Emmanualle built the RV-4 she flys and Sarah just made first flight in an RV-8A she built. We in SoCAL may just be lucky. We even have one female that purchased an RV. Two of the three females with SoCAL RVs fly formation with us. Would love to see an all FEMALE pilot 4-ship RV formation team.
Well, I'm 48 and single. I was 39 and married when I started this project (no, the plane had nothing to do with the divorce :p ). I've been working on this thing for 9 years. I guess I need to get off of here and get back to work! :D

happybirthday chad, many more to you buddy :)
and PIRKKA you cant delete a thread you started just posts. :eek:

The age thing is painful. I feel much younger than my 50 years. Single now, both boys on their own at 27 and 29. Retired at 48 and started the project at 47 and finished late last year. Like others, shoulda started much sooner.

I've got my adopted RV kids, Chad and Dan. (Dan, I'm going to have to talk to Jen about the 50's comment.) Chad is a real project trying to keep him focused. Finally got him liberated from the Subaru lists.

Shopping for single women. Bonus points if they are pilot more points if they have a plane. If any one has any prospects, have them send a picture of the plane :rolleyes:
36. Just getting started. I thought I was a younger builder but looks like there are plenty of 20 somethings out there.
My am I that old already!

45......... :eek:

And Roberta, ATC will only clear you for two laps at your altitute/age. :D

George Henson
RV-10 Empennage on order
Me and Rough Red

I am two weeks off 65.
Rough Red was started in 11th month 1999. and was to be flown for the first time on my 65 bithday. Infact Rough Red is scheduled to be in the air next Monday beating the 65th by a few days. A good omen I think!

Ted (RV-6 VH-ITR )
I'll be 35 on the 26. And I too thought I was one of the younger builders. Its great to see such a diverse age group. At least I'm still one of the youngest at my EAA chapter.

finishing up second wing
I'm 21, (20 when I started building). Other accomplishments: PPL at 17, A&P at 18, Intrument 19, Commercial 20... CFI checkride in two days :). Praying I pass.

Oh and by far the RV is the most exciting thing I've done!
53 here... late bloomer in the homebuilt airplane field. However, I have littles at home (6 and 10) so family stuff sloooooows me down quite a bit! Yes, a late bloomer there as well.

My six yr. old starts first grade here in a couple of weeks which means.....YES, you guessed it!!..... FULL DAY SCHOOL!! :D ... for both kids!

...I'm just imagining what I can accomplish during a WHOLE school day!! :D
42 YOD (year old dude)

I'm getting ready to start my second airplane, that makes me a double anomaly. :)

I think we're all a pretty neat bunch of dudes!
53 coming up next month. started the engine on my brothers 7-A after 4 years of work and getting close on my RV-4.
I will be 27 on 8-23. Married with 1 son. I cant wait for the day when he is beside me and we are flying all over the place. Dan you are not alone. My wife also picks at me because my friends are much older than I am.
Currently 37, will be likely 38-39 before starting, depending on how quickly I can build my shop (and adjust my wife) when we get into the new house in 2/07.