
Well Known Member
... and is it worth a $110?

Just trying to decide what package deal to buy from Clear Air.

Thanks for your time!

almost done with tools -- about to order the tail kit

P.S. Didn't see anything in the archives.
Most all the time....

The default yoke that I keep on my pneumatic squeezer is the 4". Now, you don't NEED the 4" that much of the time, but I only own that, and a no-hole 2". I have a friend from whom I borrowed a longeron yoke the few times I needed it. My reasoning on the 4" was that it was the one no one else in the area owned, and I could always use it for times I needed less clearance...It pays to have a "pool" of different yokes aroudn you that you can borrow!

Remember, I built a QB, so I did a lot less fabrication than "real" builders! ;)

I have a 4" yoke and use it seldom. I also have a longeron yoke and the standard 2 1/2" yoke. I generally rent out the 4" and the longeron to people in the Dallas area for a couple of bucks. That helps defray my cost. The $2 rent is per person for as long and as many times as you need it (within reason).
I have a 3", no hole, and a longeron yoke. Since I am still working on the wings the longeron yoke gets a lot of use. I borrowed a 4" for a few things but the 3 inch is used a lot more.
I'm halfway into the fuselage and have gotten by with the 3" yoke and longeron yoke only. Save your money.
4" yoke

Here's a simple question. If you have not yet purchased the 3", why not just purchase a 4" instead. It's not that much more money, if any, and you know you will need it in atleast a few places that a 3" won't reach. That's what I have and it has not caused any problems (that is, I've not ran into anything that a 3" will do that my 4" won't do). I'll be honest, I have a 1", 2.5" no hole, longeron, and a 4". (I only purchased the longeron, the other yokes came with my used squeezer. 75% of the time I use the longeron. Not because I need it but because that's what is on the squeezer and it works just as good as the 4" would. One thing, be sure to get the adjustable set holder from Avery or Cleveland and the quick release pins.

Bill Britton
RV-10 Tailcone
4" yoke

I'm slow building a 7A by myself and got a 4" yoke a few months ago. I have a 2.5" yoke that came with the squeezer (used - from eBay). The used yoke has a bit of slop in it, works great for dimpling, not so great for rivets, so I needed to get another yoke. I went for the 4" over a 3" and I've taken advantage of the extra reach a number of times. The only thing I don't like is the weight - it's quite heavy. But if you're deciding between 3" and 4", I'd go with the 4".

My $.02

Dennis Glaeser
I found the 4" & the longeron yokes to be the most useful to purchase if money is tight.
Charlie Kuss