
Well Known Member
Looking to get a Zulu in the near future, going to OSH this year, wonder what prices people saw at Sun and Fun.

Wondering if it's worth waiting for OSH or should I just mail order now.



As far as I know it was $850.00 as everywhere. I talked to two or three places about them and although I never asked price, because I plan to trade up, no one volunteered any special deals. usually, if they have a deal on the product, they will let you know right away in a one on one conversation.

They have a trade up program, but I am noticing a slowness to respond to emails, could be because I am requesting a panel power unit.

Their upgrade program is going slow. Mine has been postponed twice, currently expecting to ship mine back next week.
If you don't have a set to upgrade, you can buy a set at the going rate through the web site for Relentless Racing and get a hat and poster of Relentless....
It's a nice hat. ;)
Their upgrade program is going slow. Mine has been postponed twice, currently expecting to ship mine back next week.
If you don't have a set to upgrade, you can buy a set at the going rate through the web site for Relentless Racing and get a hat and poster of Relentless....
It's a nice hat. ;)

Well that's pretty cool, I'm a hat whore so this may tip a $850 purchase their way if no one else has any significant breaks going on. I'm so rational! :rolleyes:

Looked at that NXT kit just for fantasy fun but the landing speeds give me the willies thinking about an off airport/engine out situation. Definitely not Van's "Total Performance" package but so Purty and FAST.:D

Thanks for the replys all

I wouldn't expect any discounting on the ZULU for quite some time. They seem to be selling all they can have manufactured, as fast as they get them, at full price.

Is it worth $850? Well, personally I don't think any headset is worth that ridiculously large amount of money, but nevertheless I have one myself. It's very good. No other headset I've ever had is as comfortable as the ZULU. The ANR is extraordinarily quiet. The music quality is awesome, either with my MP3 player plugged directly into the battery pod music jack or going thru my PM3000 stereo intercom, both ways is fantastic. The bluetooth cellphone interface is also fantastic. The party at the other end of a phone call can't hardly hear any of the engine/prop noise... the microphone also has some sort of noise cancelling so the mic doesn't pick up the noise and transmit it over the phone.

Later this year when the trade-in program comes into effect for the older 15XL and 20XL headsets, I'm probably going to have to trade in my old 15XL so that I'll have a pair of ZULUs.
Zulu hits small snag

I recently received this in Email while waiting for my Zulu Trade up information. Sounds like they are being up front and proactive. I have always found Lightspeed to be customer orientated.

Recently we discovered an upper cable issue on Zulu. Affected product was shipped between March 22, 2008 and May 15, 2008. Production and shipments were stopped while diagnostic tests were performed and corrective action taken.

Our cable supplier has resolved this issue. Our Dealer channel has been notified and all affected inventory has been corrected. In addition, all LIGHTSPEED customers who experience the symptoms of a defective cable will have prioritized repairs. Note: This issue only affects the ANR of the headset; it will still transmit and receive even without the ANR.

Diagnosing and initiating the corrective action created a serious Production backlog and Channel inventory storage. While production is rebounding, it will be the end of June before full capacity is reached. Until then Lightspeed will allocate all headset inventory to fulfilling our Dealer backlog, and restocking our Channel inventories.

Because of this issue, we have no choice but to suspend all Zulu Trade up shipments until such time as our inventory position can be rectified. It is our hope that we can be in a position to re-start this program within 3 weeks. At such time we will send you another email with a new scheduled trade in date. As a reminder, at your trade in date, you will receive your final email, with the paperwork necessary to ship your trade in to us.

You cannot imagine how incredibly sorry we are for this. We completely understand that you are loyal LIGHTSPEED customers, and deserve the best product and best service we can give you. In the short term, we will have some delivery delays, and might even loose a few sales. However in the long run, we feel it is better to be late and correct the product. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and we will keep you informed of our progress. Please contact us should you have any further questions, or need additional clarification.


Jim Mueller
VP Customer Service
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I am waiting like everyone else for my two Zulu upgrades for my Thirty-3G headset. I want a new one for my AirVenture trip this year.

Saturday I purchased a Bose headset. I will still be upgrading my old two for the Zulu but may sell them if I like the Bose better. The Bose was an order of magnitude better than the Thirty-3G.

I have flown once with the Zulu and once with the Bose. Need to fly both on the same flight. I think the Bose is more comfortable but not sure which is quieter as I have only flown with the different headsets on separate flights. I have two friends on my hangar row that have Zulu that will let me borrow them. I will be flying both headsets sometime on the same flight after AirVenture 2008.
Gary, let us know your own findings on this. I'm getting ready for a set of either the Bose or Zulu as well. At OSH I tried both at the Acft Spruce booth and I gave the edge to the Zulu, but also flew the Bose with Mike Seager and they really worked great in the RV.
