Ingo Weise

Active Member
I'm trying to figure out wether I can fit in an 8 or not by building a cabin mockup from wood. Maybe someone can help me with following measurements:
Distance of the rudder pedals from the firewall, height of the pedals (breaking pivot) from the cabin floor.
How much does the tall mans option set back the seatback? I know, that it just changes the angel of the seatback, but I believe that there is some room at the bottom too (how much?), to put the hole seatback a few inches to the rear.
Thank you!
Thomas, thank you for the answer, but that's not detailled enough. I have a copy of some plans that show the cabin and the seats without the rudder pedals and with the standard mid-cabin brace. I've build a wood mockup with the exact dimensions exept for the pedals, which I have guessed, and my knees touch the panel. My legs are really long. In our Mooney 201 I had to drill additional holes in the seat rails to bring the seat 2 inches further to the rear. One of the reasons for me to build my own aircraft is, that I can't sit in any of the standard acro aircrafts like Cap 10, Zlin526. I haven't tried an Extra yet, but there is only one EX200 for rent here in Germany and it's expensive.
RV8 cockpit space

Ingo, why don't you go down and visit Stephan Servatius near Munich and sit in his RV8? If he's not available, you can come sit in mine. It's not flying, but you can get a feel for the space. I live near Neuchatel in Switzerland. I know it's quite a ways to travel, but might be faster and more accurate than building a mockup!

Also, Van's has a "tall person" option for the RV8 which will give you moooore spaaaace by moving the front seat back a bit further back.
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Us big ol'e boys

I'm not sure of your size but if you can fit in a Mooney I must assume you are smaller than myself. I can't fly a Mooney because my head has to be tilted on about a 45 degree slant.

I'm 6'-4 1/2" tall and 255. I can comfortably fit into an 8. I agree with an earlier post. The only way to be perfectly sure is to sit in an actual 8.. JMHO


Donald Prater
RV-8 Empennage
N284DP (Reserved)
Mickey, thanks for your offer. I've visited Stephan Servatius but his 8 has the heating ducts in front of the ruddder pedals, so they can't be moved fully forward. Maybe you can mail me the measurements for the rudder pedals. My muck up is finished. I just need to know, where to put the pedals and how much more room I get with the tall mans option.
leg room

I'll measure the pedal height tomorrow when I get back out to the shop. The distance from the pedals to the firewall when the pedals are as far back as possible is about 20cm, but I'll get an exact measurement for you.

About the tall person option, you should call Van's. They are still there - there's a 9 hour time difference.

Depending on how much work you want to put into it, you could always move the rear control arm hanger back a few cm, move the seat back brace back, and get as much room as you like.

Do you also need the height of the bottom of the instrument panel? I guess you can always add cutouts here too, if needed.