
Well Known Member
Just got my tool kit today and realized that there aren't any files or scotchbrite wheels included (Cleaveland 12 tool set). I do have some files already, but I'm wondering how often, if ever, the 12 kit requires fabricating from raw stock. Is everything provided in a ready to deburr form?
Alex I brought the Avery RV-12 tool kit that came with 6 small hand files that have done the job so far although I have brought a couple of longer files for working on bigger lengths of metal I believe a vixen file would be ideal. So far I've only found you have to shape a tie down on the rear bulkhead and for the wings along with a couple of other things wing related, so with a hack saw, a few files, grinding wheel and Scotchbrite wheel you should be able to tackle most things.

I personally would suggest buying a Scotchbrite wheel as it speeds up prep no end and I think the only thing lacking in my toolkit (so far) was a tool to prepare the tail cone skins for lap joints but luckily I managed to source an Avery one in the UK quite quickly.
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I would definately pick up a vixen (metal mover) file if for nothing other than removing the 'factory' edge from the sheetmetal. It will save you a lot of work at the scotchbright wheel

Welcome to the club. Suggest you get a 6" vise if you don't have one. I only had a 4" and I made do with it but a bigger one would have been a lot better. Also suggest you make conatct with a fellow 12 builder in your region as there is no substitute for experience when it comes to some of the opertaions you will be performing as you proceed. I did not have that luxury and had to do a lot of trial and error.

You will find this forum invaluable.

I used a couple of 6" Scotch Bright wheels to debur the edges of every piece. There are several pieces you make from raw stock so a good set of files to remove stock and to finish the parts are needed. Also a good set of jeweler files comes in handy also to debur little stuff in tight places.

A small bench top band saw, a 6" disc / 1" belt sander, and buffing machine with a Scotch Bright wheel (Harbor Freight) are your best friends in the RV-12 shop, besides the frig, and bandaid box. ;)

Good luck!
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