
Well Known Member
Rather than mix several small batches to seal tank access plates, and then baffles, I'm thinking of simply mixing up the entire pint batch they sent me. They probably measured it better than I'll do, and then I'll just divide it into smaller batches and freeze them. I've got some of those huge horse syringes. The question is, will an entire pint kit fit into the larger metal can once I add the white portion?
Just get a small kitchen digital scale, (the automatic tare feature is great), a box of the 3oz.+/- Dixie PAPER bathroom cups, and box of Popsicle sticks ( politically correctly now know as craft sticks). Simply mix as many little batches as needed at a time.
Mix it as you need it. It is fairly forgiving for non-exact portions. I just use a small digital scale from Harbor Freight. Put a paper plate on it, and tare it to zero with a couple of craft sticks. Use each of the sticks to get a portion of the white and black stuff. 30 grams of the white stuff to 3 grams off the black stuff gives a good amount to work with. Stir it all together until it is uniformly gray.
When you are done, leave the paper plate around as your test sample. When it sets up enough it won't leave a finger print when you touch it.
the scale method is about as painless as it gets.for sure it will slowly cure at any temp you can keep it.
Just get a small kitchen digital scale, (the automatic tare feature is great), a box of the 3oz.+/- Dixie PAPER bathroom cups, and box of Popsicle sticks ( politically correctly now know as craft sticks). Simply mix as many little batches as needed at a time.

Word for word, this is literally exactly what I'm doing right now as I build my tanks! :D

And I agree with the others. Not a good idea to mix it all at once. And kept separately, I've read that it keeps a fairly long time in the fridge.
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Ok, perhaps I missed a critical word in all the previous posts about keeping Proseal by freezing it: it lasts for a long time IN THE UNMIXED STATE as long as kept in the freezer?
It will keep a very long time at room temperature unmixed and sealed closed. I have used stuff that is 18 years old and it still cured, mind you it took longer to set up.
Proseal is pretty viscous, I don’t think you will effectively be able to squeeze it out of a syringe unless you have super strong hands & an iron grip.
I have used heavy plastic freezer bags with the corner cut out to apply Proseal relatively neatly (like cake decorators do). Problem with this method is a certain degree of waisted material left in the bag as each bag is single use.

I store left over Proseal unmixed in the freezer after the tank sealing job is finished. Great for odd jobs on the plane & in the shop later.