
Well Known Member
I started a thread on LOP which is still going and have to say I've found out more info that I have on my own searching. Good stuff.

Now it has raised another question in my mind. For those that have converted one slick mag (or both) to electronic ignition....

Was it worth it the cost? (I know, somewhat of a moronic question since flying are cost are rarely justified....at least according to our spouses)

What was the gain or improvement in performance?
Advantages of Electronic Ig

I flew my 0-320 Long-EZ for the first few yrs with dual mags then went to one mag and one EI from LSE. Flew it that way for the next 18 yrs. Wow, it made a significant positive improvement.

I was able to lean more agressively in cruise before engine roughness occurred, thus reduced fuel flow by >1 Gal/Hr. Engine ran MUCH smoother, both on the ground and in flight. I don't have speed numbers, but I got at least 75-100 rpm more at full throttle in cruise.

Oh yes, it's worth it... IMHO