
Well Known Member
Hey all,
Don't want to start a debate but,
Just a quick question, how much, on average, would it take 3M pads for the slow build?
How many Red, How many Grey??? Or is just one type sufficient??
I plan on priming pretty much all the inside...

And about the wire twister, 6" or 9"?

Any suggestions ???

Many thanks !!!
I found a local industrial supply store that stocks the 3M stuff. I've probably gone through a dozen of them on my slow build (fully primed). 200 seems like it would be a lifetime supply!
Thanks Walt & Bruce for your replies.

I realise that it's not that important in the end.

I just don't want to buy in excessive quantities if not needed.

200 seems a lot, I agree...

I'll go for 20 as a first order and see if I need to get to 200.... I found a European distributor and at around 1$ apiece, it won't make that much difference...

Trivial in fact and I apologise for taking up space here and time for you folks!!!

Scotchbrite wheel for a 6" bench grinder!

I got one of those when I first started, and have consequently not used more than 5 sheets of the maroon SB, and less than 2 of both the gold (coarse) and the grey (fine). I would never build an aluminum airplane w/o the Scotchbrite wheel ... it has saved uncountable hours.
Thanks Terry for your advice...!!

I will have the ScothBrite wheels!!!

The pads will mostly be used to roughen up interior surfaces prior to priming.

For added speed in doing that, I intend to use a round 3M pad holder attached to a slow turning drill.