
Well Known Member
I just can't seem to get the hang of it! It seems like everytime I order something, I need some other little thing that isn't really worth ordering all by itself.

I just ordered a couple replacement items, and received them today, but now need some thin washers. (and probably a couple of bolts) Arrgghh.

I have been keeping a list so I wait until there are several items on it before I order. I change items I am working on and keep going until I can't go any farther and then add the newly discovered shortage to the list and head off on something else. While waiting for the new parts, it never fails, I find another minor part that I need.

I realize this is more venting than anything else, but on the outside chance someone has a solution.....Does anyone have this figured out? Seems like I am wasting a lot of money on shipping. I feel the pain of those outside of the CONUS. :eek:
Stewart, I feel your pain. I do the same thing. The shipping and Van's processing fees really seem to add up when placing multiple orders.

I have been somewhat fortunate in that I have worked out a pretty good system with another local builder. We loan each other parts and hardware to get us through the tight spots. Then when one of us places an order, we try and check to see if anything is needed by the other person.
I decided early in the building process that it was a good idea to buy a selection of AN nuts, bolts, and washers plus some extra platenuts. When I get closer to installing systems and FWF, I'll probably do the same for things like Adel clamps.
Every month I take an inventory of hardware in my little plastic sorters and when I'm getting low -- and have an order -- I add the items to the list. Keeps the shipping charges to a minimum;

One other thing I've done recently is put up a little dry-ink board in the workshop. This has been very handy for a couple of reasons. It has two columns. One that says "things I need to do" and the other is "things I need to order."

Sometimes you think you'll remember that a nut still needs torquing, or some other task that you told yourself you'd get back to .. but it slips out of your mind.

And as you are working on a plane and you see you're getting low on washers or nutplates, write it down. Then when you're placing an order for something, just order the stuff on the board and you should be OK.
Making sure you have all the hardware you need in 6 easy steps.

1. Go to Oshkosh with a bunch of cash and a guy that has already built an RV.

2. Go to the hardware vendors and ask the builder what hardware to buy.

3. Buy everything he tells you to plus a bag of each size smaller and larger.

4. Now take an extra 200 dollars and buy stuff that looks like it could fit your plane.

5. Buy the big bag of floor sweepings, maybe one from each vendor.

6. Take your newly aquired hardware home and everytime you need something and discover that you actually got one of those while at Oshkosh, you can thank me by buying me a nice pint of 4 dollar beer (better to give me the 4 dollars in beer each time than Van's)

This method also works for tools.
Thanks for letting me vent

The beer is in the fridge, come on around and I'll buy you one now. Good ideas from all. I should have bought a lot more last year at OSH. I am at the point now where I need to buy a half bag of everything - or I guess I could be a resource for other builders on the field! I think I need to add one more thing to the suggestions... when I think I have enough of something, buy some more, obviously I am going to need a lot more if I already have a lot. :rolleyes:
The Bag

I discovered, at the end of my build, that Vans gives you a bag (like all the other little brown bags) which contains nothing but an assortment of spare hardware which you usually need but run out of for whatever reason.
When I received my kits, I inventoried everything but never opened a bag unless I needed it and never read the description of each bag in the parts list unless looking for something specific.
I feel kind of retarded for not knowing about it earlier. Just one more thing to remember when I build the next plane.
-9 N659DB
Great suggestions

All the suggestions above are great. Just be glad you're not shipping international, with the additional charges and delay. When I order something, I always order about 10x what I think I'll need, and just about every size in the family. Still, I place on average one order from either ACS or Van's or McMaster-Carr or somewhere else a week. Ouch.

When I go to SNF or OSH, I bring back the maximum baggage allowance of two 70 pound bags - to the ounce! Last time I traveled they told me that the allowance is dropping to two 50 pound bags. Not sure how I'll manage...I guess more trips!
Freight charges

As with Mickey, having constant orders being delivered internationally HURTS :(.
My poor, poor credit card... I'm
also worried I'm develeping a 'relationship' with my local FedEx man!! :eek:
Sympathy and empathy, Stewart. If you get over to NM, look me up and I'll buy the beers 'n dinner. I haven't found a solution, either.

AntiGravity said:
...I'm also worried I'm develeping a 'relationship' with my local FedEx man!! :eek:
Cheryl my FedEx driver is on the short list for 'first passenger flights' when they roll around; I have something go FedEx every few weeks so she can see the progress on the plane. Ray, my UPS driver, gives me his prizewinning green chile stew and talks me through the trying times. Pete the mailman stops by the shop occasionally to see how I'm doing and hand-deliver my packages. All of the above know that when it's Spruce, Van's, or anything else that says 'aircraft' it goes to the shop, anything else gets put in the usual places.

I live in Socorro, NM -- ain't no air-e-o-plane parts for miles and miles and miles....
bsacks05 said:
I discovered, at the end of my build, that Vans gives you a bag (like all the other little brown bags) which contains nothing but an assortment of spare hardware which you usually need but run out of for whatever reason.-9 N659DB

I just opened up that bag the other day! When I did the inventory of the hardware it didn't list that bag so I set it aside. When I opened it I found a note that says something like "dear builder we have suplied this bag of spar common hardward that you may have dropped or misplace during the build" Yeah right more like we miss counted a few things and we tossed this in to cover our butts!

Just remember the airlines will let you take more than the two bags @ 50-pounds each. But, most of them charge $25 for anything from 50# up to 100#. At least that's the policy at American Airlines. All airlines vary- they just charge you for going over the 50# limit on each piece of checked luggage (two limit, in most cases) :mad:

Gotta just love that weight and balance issue, especially combined with tons of paying passengers :eek:

Take care,
Extra bag of hardware???

When does the extra bag of hardware show up? In the -9 wing kit the only "extra" was the Trim Bundle. I inventoried all contents of each bag listed, and had no bags left over. The only things missing were 2 AN3-40 (I think) bolts from some attaching hardware bag - which Van's promptly sent out.
Extra bags

txaviator said:
Just remember the airlines will let you take more than the two bags @ 50-pounds each. But, most of them charge $25 for anything from 50# up to 100#. At least that's the policy at American Airlines. All airlines vary- they just charge you for going over the 50# limit on each piece of checked luggage (two limit, in most cases) ...
That sound about right for national flights, but for international they want a lot more - like well over $100. When I take the wife and kids it's great, since we can have two huge bags full of airplane parts *each*! :)

Unfortunately, the TSA is taking out all liquids. That's a pain, since maple syrup is so much more expensive here, as are epoxy and other useful stuff.