
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I was just looking at the EAA "Experimenter" email newsletter, and saw Joe Norris's paragraph stating that there were 1,024 homebuilts that registered during the week. I recall hearing or reading that there were 400+ RV's in attendance, and wondered if anyone has a final tally number that is sort of accurate. It is absolutely amazing that close to HALF of all the homebuilts at "The Big Show" were RV's! :eek:

There's an aerial pic where somebody is showing all of the RV's in yellow, in that particular space, I believe they came up with 450. Then there were other RV's elsewhere. I saved the photo, but temporarily misplaced it. If others know what I'm talking about, maybe they can upload it. If not, I'll do some more digging.

It makes sense. My first trip to OSH in 15 years was last year. I went to see the homebuilts and at first the only thing I saw was the "sea of RVs" (the ones right outside of the forum pavilions). It was almost overwhelming. I had NEVER seen that many of a single manufacturers plan (homebuilt or factory built) in one place, EVER. I had to walk for a while before I finally found where the rest of the homebuilts were.

When you really think about it, it makes perfect sense why there are so many RVs there (a higher percentage than their numbers relative to the homebuilt fleet). I huge number of homebuilts just are not cross country flyers. For example, I was looking for some Zenith STOL 701s, but only saw 2 (there were a few more). It has to be a lot harder flying to OSH when you cruise at 80-90mph, than when you are cruising at 180-190mph. It also explains why there were so many EZs (long ez, vari eze, cozy) there. Another group of cross country birds.
Does mine at KATW count?

There's an aerial pic where somebody is showing all of the RV's in yellow, in that particular space, I believe they came up with 450. Then there were other RV's elsewhere.

There where RV everywhere. I saw RV is contempory camping, north forty, south forty, and of coarse the one sprinkled throughout the vendor displays. Then there was mine and dozens more that were parked up in Appleton or down in Fond du Lac. Of coarse these RVs may not truely count as we did not fly to OSH or register as homebuilts.
My take is that...

...when all the others (EAB's) are added up, they'll more or less equal the number of RV's.

The speed and ability make it a good cross country machine. I was able to out run, climb over or duck under weather with my RV-10 that I would have never attempted in a Tiger or a 172. Plus it is much more roomier and can carry more weight than most other planes.
Counting RV's

If you have better eyes and more patience, download the wallpaper from EAA that has the aerial picture of White Knight 2. You can easily pick out the RV parking area and count them. Of course, that's a minimum as we know there were more elsewhere.
At what time?

I showed up on Tuesday and left on Thursday. Many had already come and gone, and more where showing up as I was leaving. Maybe the EAA will publish the registration stats?
450+RV's at '09 Oshkosh

Here's the pic I had mentioned of an aerial. The lighted up area is of Van's aircraft in this particular area.

Here's the pic I had mentioned of an aerial. The lighted up area is of Van's aircraft in this particular area.


Those aren't ALL RVs in that entire highlighted area. There's a good number of RVs included in there, but there were other homebuilts mixed in as well, especially toward the western part of that area (to the left in the picture) as that's the homebuilt camping area.

I don't have an exact number handy, but I believe the number of RVs registered was very close to 475. Not quite half of the total number of registered amateur-built aircraft!

The entire homebuilt community continues to grow, so we are planning to have more room for homebuilt parking next year at Oshkosh.


RV's at OSH

Myself and several more RV's arrived late in the week and were not included in the picture. It's possible there were as many as 500 RV's before the week was over.

Those aren't ALL RVs in that entire highlighted area. There's a good number of RVs included in there, but there were other homebuilts mixed in as well, especially toward the western part of that area (to the left in the picture) as that's the homebuilt camping area.

I don't have an exact number handy, but I believe the number of RVs registered was very close to 475. Not quite half of the total number of registered amateur-built aircraft!

The entire homebuilt community continues to grow, so we are planning to have more room for homebuilt parking next year at Oshkosh.



Joe -- how did that Cessna 206 get into the homebuilt area? I mean I know things are tough in Wichita, but really! It's parked next to the Forums building in the far northeast corner of the pavilion area.


That 206 belonged to one of the missionary aviation outfits. They asked us to be allowed to park the plane near the forum tent where they would be holding their forum.