
Well Known Member
With it being the 50th anniversary of Vans, maybe set a record in number of RVs attending Oshkosh. Anybody know the tally of RVs that flew in this year? Did it set a record?
Wonder what the total number of RVs compared to number of Cessna or Beechcraft or Piper or Cirrus.
It would be interesting to see a plot of number of RVs attended OSH each year over the last 50 years.
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Might be quicker to count the non RV’s. Just playing. It would be neat to get the numbers.
That seems low, or maybe it's just me. I would've thought that even on a normal non-anniversary year there'd be over 1000 RVs. Guess it's just mental depth perception, seeing the always-impressive sea of RVs we create every year.
Not sure what is typical. Jeff probably knows.
He did mention that RV’s made up 62% of the home guilts that were registered.
I think Jeff P. reported 721 RV’s on the field.
That wasn’t me who reported this, might have been Dennis or one of his minions at homebuilt registration where they keep track of such things. Registrations are not a great metric because of the large number who never register, especially locals who day trip to and from the show.

For years I did a nightly hand count of RVs but I quit doing it a few years ago. Just to many of them spread over too large of an area. So we don’t have good data on RVs this year, but it was a bunch.