
Kind of a off the wall question. I did some searching but didn't find much, so...

Does anyone know approximately how many rivets the RV-8 has? We just finished the tail and one of my friends asked me the question. My answer, "too many to count".:rolleyes:
On my RV-7, I'm at 6576 with one aileron, both flaps, and the bottom skins to go on the wings. I'd estimate 8000+ by the time the wings are done. What? Me? Anal? No way...:D

Common reply back in 03-06 when I was building, was approx. 14,000. Not sure but that was rumored to come from Van's.
Opprx. only

We did not have anything better to do one winter in the hangar so you guessed it. We had a best count of around 15,000 #3's and #4's.
Now you know this dose not count any bolts screws and asortted other stick together stuff. Only one way to get it together though one at a time.
Go for it, it's yours for the doing. Yours as always R.E.A. III #80888

This one is kind of like asking how many Ants or in an Ant-bed. The guys at Van's could tel you how many the plans call for, but if you go look at a lot of bird on the ramp you will see a lot of added rivets. A guy may have put one in and needs to move over a little and put another in next to it. You may not like the spacing on the plans for the controle planes and elect to go with the double up per 43.13-1-A&B. There may need to few small doublers you need to add for this are that. Ext.... counting ants is fun, but it's a lot more fun to just put as many as needed or as you like and go fly..
Yours as always R.E.A. III # 80888