How many paved runway landings do you get on a set of tires? Includes reversing tires

  • less than 50

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50 to 100

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 101 to 150

    Votes: 9 8.7%
  • 150 to 200

    Votes: 7 6.8%
  • 200 +

    Votes: 87 84.5%

  • Total voters


Well Known Member
I was changing out my tires & was calculating the number of landings I get on a set of tires. I'm interested in what others are getting. My count includes reversing the tire in mid-life.
Please only include counts on the first landing & not the extra bounced ones. :rolleyes:
265 with tires supplied with the kit. Trying Desser retreads now, curious to see how they do ...
400 hours, did not reverse the original kit supplied tires. Will go another year or two...or three. Short taxi on grass although the runway is paved. Taxi length on pavement is probably a bigger factor than landings and difficult to quantify.
I knew I used a fancy digital logbook for a reason:

At nine days short of two years, my Desser Monster Retreads have 302 landings on them (maybe 10 on grass, I don't have an entry for that), and I just reversed them for the second time last week. Wear pattern is such that I should get another year out of them before the edge tread gets too low for my comfort.
Original set of tires from Van's got 278 landings (did not flip them). Ended up with a flat tire at that point and just decided to replace them.
Only one landing on a dirt strip so far! No grass out here in the dry southwest.
299 On original Van's tires...

I have 299 so far on Van's original. I just flipped them, last month, at this years condition inpsection. I'm guessing I'm about half way through their life. Nothing but hard surfaces for me.

This is an accurate count. I use an electronic log book and it was easy to get a total. I'm puzzled by those who are only getting 200 or so. One question would be, how much tread is left before you consider them worn out.

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I have 299 so far on Van's original. I just flipped them, last month, at this years condition inpsection. I'm guessing I'm about half way through their life. Nothing but hard surfaces for me.

This is an accurate count. I use an electronic log book and it was easy to get a total. I'm puzzled by those who are only getting 200 or so. One question would be, how much tread is left before you consider them worn out.


Same here...
I am closer to 400 with one flip and wondering if I can go another year. I have rented planes with bald tires, mine have tread left...
Tire wear

I got 324 landings on the tires that came with the kit. They were never flipped. They could have gone a bit further, but I was doing the condition inspection and had the new monster retread tires on hand so I went ahead and changed them as Preventative maintenance.
The Monster retreads have 109 landings on them and look great!
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It looks like I have over 200 and have not yet flipped them. I will look at them next time I'm there and see if it's time to flip or if I can wait till the spring inspection.

I had no idea some where getting 400+ landings, otherwise I would have adjusted the poll.

I got 145 on my last set. Usually, I have the monster retreads, but the last ones were not.

I changed both of them out today with monsters, so I can get a better number going forward.

I'm using the free app, MyFlightbook & it's able to track everything along with custom date ranges to get your totals. Since 1/3 of my landings are 3 point, I wonder if I do more wheel landings I'd get less wear.
Over 400 landings, combo of 2 and 3 pointers, on my first set of vans provided tires. On pace to get significantly more on my current pair of dresser monster retreads.

IMHO, somethings wrong if you're consistently getting less than 200. The 400 above don't even include all the extra bounces and hops endured while learning to land an RV. :D

(I run them until I fully wear down one groove, better rotation might have gotten me more.)
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I was getting just under 150 landings on my main tires at first. I checked the main landing gear alignment and found the tires were misaligned. One was toe out while the other was camber out. I added the appropriate shims and now I get 300+ landing on the tires. I replaced my last set in 2013 because the side wall had started to show a little bit of age cracking after 7yrs even though they still had plenty of tread on them. My current tires have 175 landing on them and still have plenty of tread.

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I was getting just under 150 landings on my main tires at first. I checked the main landing gear alignment and found the tires were misaligned. One was toe out while the other was camber out. I added the appropriate shims and now I get 300+ landing on the tires. I replaced my last set in 2013 because the side wall had started to show a little bit of age cracking after 7yrs even though they still had plenty of tread on them. My current tires have 175 landing on them and still have plenty of tread.


I do believe my tires have excessive wear due to a slight toe out. When I changed to a tail wheel, the mount/gear presented a toe out condition. I ended up oversizing the gear mount bolt/hole to bring it back in and don't see the side scuffing that I had prior. Unfortunately, with the 7 gear, you can't shim it out.
My experience

Here is my records for the past 10 years. I learned that the most expensive ones do not do as well as the cheapest. The last set of tires replaced less than a year ago is due for replacement at less than 300 landings (more like 250). I just purchased six retreads from Skythreads in Cocoa Beach for $45 each. My neighbors reported good results. I will see how they compare with others. By the way, I usually do not replace both tires at the same time.

I've got about 650 landings on my Condor's on my 6A. Haven't flipped the tires. Still have a little tread left..
We have well over 400 landings on Dresser Monster recaps on our RV9. Looks like they could do double that. I do rotate the tires and keep tire pressure at about 36psi on the mains. I also do tire pressure checks at least every 60 days.

Side note: Had over 1100 landings on GY Custom II tires on our C150.

I think the keys are judicious use of the brakes and tire pressure.
Flipped at 195 then retired 😏at 386 landings. These were my second set of the original Aero trainers, and my landings are nothing to write home about. I aim for 3-point landings and rarely use a grass runway. The tyres still had some tread but chose to replace them at annual.
The first set of tyres I considered sacrificial as I learned the peculiarities of landing an RV-6 but still got way more that the 200 landings you set as the top score.
For the folks who flip their tires, are new tubes recommended when flipping?

As many times as I've changed tires & flipped them, I am still using the original tubes from Van's. They have never leaked air & look and feel as new as when I first installed them.