
Well Known Member
Here's my odomoter....had to fly to Harris Ranch for Steak Breakfast this morning to break 20K!!!! Vlad...Turbo....????? :D Rosie

Not sure how many miles, have to see if I can figure that out somehow, but I've logged 177 hours, including 110 on my new RV-9A!

Not Vlad level but not too bad :).

82,000+ NM I guess. Rosie I don't have that fancy 496 I use an abacus. 589 hours as of today multiplied by average annual GS of 140 kts :D
Wow! I have much catching up to do when the RV-9A is done. Rosie, how is the condition of the runway at Harris Ranch? I know it's only 30 ft. wide; gotta be a challenge to land there.
9828SM. Max GS was only about 180! No such thing as a tailwind in FL :mad:

Going to have to pull a "Rosey" and make a quick run to round it off to 10,000 :D
Rosie, the year is not over yet. Still flying. I'll have some stats soon. But the rv is closing in on 500,000 miles.
Wow! I have much catching up to do when the RV-9A is done. Rosie, how is the condition of the runway at Harris Ranch? I know it's only 30 ft. wide; gotta be a challenge to land there.

No Challenge at all in an RV! Winds are usually <5 knots and the runway is in perfect condition :D Rosie
Anyone know if there is an odometer function in the GTN-650? Or the G3X Touch? I poked around in there, but I didn't see anything. Maybe a new feature request...
....Just over 50,000 miles for me this year! Happy Holidays to everyone
from all of us at Anti-Splat-Aero and a big thank you for making this our
best year to date. Thanks, Allan...:D
My Miles

Lets see, not as many as some but more than others.
4,080 RV8 Miles...just kinda playing around.

4,200 7GCBC miles to remote cabin, built outhouse this year.

1,800 miles 182 to Kvichak River for a little trout fishing