Well Known Member
I did a search for completion time required for the tail kit but no luck. I know everyone is different but ..... How many hours did you guys spend building the tail kit? Did you work on it every day or all day on the weekend?
Mine took

Just about 200 hours--I think it's like 194 or something. I still haven't done any of the glass work. I also had an "issue" with the counterweight and it's skin on one of the elevators.

I typically got 2 -3 hrs, 2-3 nights a week, and one good 8 hour day on the weekend...maybe a couple extra hours on the other weekend day.

I've heard 200, 400, 400, 400 is a ball park for each kit. But like you said, everybody is different. It's done when it's done.

RV-8A tail build time

My records show 171? hrs which includes the basic fibreglassing except the rudder bottom which a) cost me several hours and I still screwed it up, and b) I'll be buying a new one and fitting it once the rudder is on the fuse so I can line it up nicely!! Also included priming of all parts, except the outside of the skins (the insides were primed). Worked most nights and one day of most weekends for 6 hours or so. This was between 29-Sep-05 when the kit arrived, to 20-Jan-06 when I packed it all away to make room to receive the wing kit (I have a small workshop). Cheers,
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About 175 in about 5 1/2 weeks, no fiberglass.

Enjoy the work, don't rush it, its suppose to be fun.
The first one took 6 months, and about 135 hours (minus fiberglass). The one I just did took 9 days, and about 85 hours (minus fiberglass). I'm a bit more motivated on the current kit :)

It also depends on wether or not you chem-film and prime or not. That adds about another 20 hours.
briand said:
It also depends on wether or not you chem-film and prime or not. That adds about another 20 hours.

This is true. You can probably double the amount of time needed by using some priming methods. I can't quite bring myself to leave it unprimed, but I compromise by using NAPA 7220 rattle cans.

Rusty (shooting for about 8 months building time on a QB)