Waiting for SkyView?

  • Waiting on New Installation (Held Up Right Now)

    Votes: 42 59.2%
  • I am Going to Retro-Fit

    Votes: 3 4.2%
  • Keeping D-180

    Votes: 21 29.6%
  • Steam Me Up - Scotty

    Votes: 6 8.5%

  • Total voters
This will be an interesting poll I think. I tried earlier to ask the quesion, only got a couple responses. Vern and I were about the only ones responding, and he died .
From earlier comments, I must guess only a very few of us are actually held up and waiting on it. As I write this, it is showing only two of us! No wonder Vans is in no real hurry to get it released.
I think there are many more than that. Dozens if not more than 100. Look how few completions there have been in the past months. I am kit 412, started August 2010, and have been totally finished except for SV since August 2011. And I know that there are others waiting much longer than I have. I would have ordered avionics back in April 2011 had SV been available, but after that I just kept on "working around" that installation and thus slowed down. I went ahead and finished everything possible including painting, knowing that it would be somewhat more difficult to install the SV after that.

I had easily expected to be flying in July or August 2011. I think you will see many completions within a month of people getting the SV kit.
Not held up by Skyview just yet

Need another option on this poll.

Many of us are still pounding (or should I say pulling) away on wings, fuse or emp. kits so we are not yet held up. I'm #532, but will just begin working on fuse next month so the switch/delay to Skyview is not an issue...unless Van's takes another year! Feel bad for those of you who are affected.
I am builder 120210 and I was told in November 2010 that Skyview would be coming out in the near future I was ready for my avionic kit in November of 2010 I went and ordered my powerplant kit November 11 2010
I finished everything I could including painting by February. I am a very unhappy Vans custumber Sold my flying plane so I could invest in the RV12
and be flying by no later then July 2011. No did't happen Who is at fault. All the employies at Van's who kept saying next week, next mouth , almost ready, Early fall, shortly.no later then next ???. Who do we have to blame!!!!!!! Van,s and I for waiting for a RV12 with avionic that is not out dated and off the market Yes I have been waiting.
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Kit #221 here. Been through the final punchlist several times and have run out of productive things to do.
Not exactly 'held up', but close...

#459. Not exactly 'held up', but will be in 2 or 3 weeks. Engine on/fitting cowl/learning how to paint.
Scratching for what to do...

All Painted all graphics applied...Wheel pants installed... Painter has been over twice for touch-ups... Water and oil in engine ... Fuel tank not installed so access to tail cone is ready... Ready to unmount wing lights to add wires... Wings have been on & off 4/5 times... Going to pounce on Skyview ASAP and get in the air... Sure wish I knew when...
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Looks like there is a couple dozen of us waiting to pounce!

All Painted all graphics applied...Wheel pants installed... Painter has been over twice for touch-ups... Water and oil in engine ... Fuel tank not installed so access to tail cone is ready... Ready to unmount wing lights to add wires... Wings have been on & off 4/5 times... Going to pounce on Skyview ASAP and get in the air... Sure wish I knew when...
Thirty seven now, that represents well over a half million dollars in orders just waiting to be placed!
I consider myself held up although I am still doing a little bit of work here and there, trying to work around the Avionics package and not making the install much more difficult when it finally becomes available. Building is anything but efficient since around August 2011 because of that. In about 4-6 weeks I'll probably be out of work to do without the SV. I refuse to jump ahead and install the engine while the Avionics package is not available, because of warranty questions as well as possibly reconsidering certification if the SV won't be available for another few months.
Sold my flying plane in August 2011 and I am determined to get this -12 in the air by the end of 2012.
SV Poll

Builder #455. 09/11 received finishing kit minus Subkit#5 (electrical system). Just ordered Engine & SV Kits. Barbara @ Van's Kit Dept. said there are over 100 kit Owners that have ordered ALL portions of the 12 kits and they will get "Triaged" to receive the SV kits first. The remaining kit builders that have not purchased all the stages of the kit will be next in line for the SV kit. A Email from Gus @ Builder Support said they believe they should be able to work through the backlog of completed aircraft in the next 3 months and then start shipping to those in earlier stages of the build (after May 2012). P.S. Barbara also said Rotax has agreeed to extend the engine Installation warranty beyond the 6 month ground time if required. All you have to do is ask.