
Well Known Member
I just mailed off my registration request to the FAA (Tail number was reserved about a year ago).

How long is it taking these days for it to get back to you?

BTW - for those that are getting ready to, be sure to contact Cynthia at Vans for a bill of sale.

RV7A - N32WW (reserved)
If everything is correct on your application and the check is signed, about 2 weeks.
I sent the registration off on an existing n number a month ago - I got this just last week from the FAA via email after I inquired about it:

"...The bill of sale and application were received on 03/31/08. They have been associated with the aircraft record and are ready for review by an examiner.

However, the Aircraft Registry is undergoing major changes to our computer systems and we are experiencing a few delays during this time of transition. It's difficult to estimate when the documents will be processed. Thank you for your patience.

If you need further information and wish to speak with an examiner, call 405-954-3116 or our toll free number, 1-866-762-9434. Examiners are available Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m. CDT"
Anomalies can take 4-5 months, but normally 2-3 weeks. The FAA has been know to loose stuff. Just ask me how I know this. :mad:
Two Weeks

I just got my registration yesterday. Two weeks to the day after I mailed it in. I did use the EAA Guide for Experimental Aircraft booklet and swear by it. It does point out some potential roadblocks that I would probably have stumbled over. Best $13.00 ever spent.
Sent the 10th

Posted on the FAA website as valid on the 18th

Recieved yesterday

--- used EAA guide also-----

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fingers crossed

Keeping the old fingers crossed. Used the EAA book, reviewed everything twice, looks good, we'll see.

Thanks for the input. Now if I just had a week off from work, it would be done. So close. Even the T hanger becomes available in 2 days....Just have to figure out how to get it from the shop to the hanger.....want to get it painted but paint doesn't make them fly.....hang on, hang on..... just a few more hours.....hang on...................

Can you tell I'm on the last leg and only shear will is getting me there........:eek:
I just mailed off my registration request to the FAA (Tail number was reserved about a year ago).

How long is it taking these days for it to get back to you?

BTW - for those that are getting ready to, be sure to contact Cynthia at Vans for a bill of sale.

RV7A - N32WW (reserved)

They received it March 20 something and cashed the check March 28th. No word since then.
They received it March 20 something and cashed the check March 28th. No word since then.

I'd give them a call. The friend of mine that summited Van's Bill of Sale with one name on it, versus two names in the "builders" section, got it easily straightened out over the phone. He said the FAA promptly sent some new paper work. With the problems involved, it was one month for them, to get the registration in the mail.

L.Adamson --- RV6A
I'd give them a call. The friend of mine that summited Van's Bill of Sale with one name on it, versus two names in the "builders" section, got it easily straightened out over the phone. He said the FAA promptly sent some new paper work. With the problems involved, it was one month for them, to get the registration in the mail.

L.Adamson --- RV6A

I tried calling one time. I was on hold for 40 minutes and then spoke to someone and was on hold for another twenty minutes. I finally hung up. I will try today though.

I have been trying all morning but it is busy. Does anybody have a different number than 866-762-9434 or 405-954-3116?
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I just mailed off my registration request to the FAA (Tail number was reserved about a year ago).

How long is it taking these days for it to get back to you?

BTW - for those that are getting ready to, be sure to contact Cynthia at Vans for a bill of sale.

RV7A - N32WW (reserved)

Check cleared on May 9th. I'll keep you folks posted.

Just looked my n number up and it appears to now be official as of yesterday! Took about 6 or 7 weeks.

I sent the registration off on an existing n number a month ago - I got this just last week from the FAA via email after I inquired about it:

"...The bill of sale and application were received on 03/31/08. They have been associated with the aircraft record and are ready for review by an examiner.

However, the Aircraft Registry is undergoing major changes to our computer systems and we are experiencing a few delays during this time of transition. It's difficult to estimate when the documents will be processed. Thank you for your patience.

If you need further information and wish to speak with an examiner, call 405-954-3116 or our toll free number, 1-866-762-9434. Examiners are available Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m. CDT"
I used AIC Title, They used to be with AOPA but are independent now. They are right across the street from the FAA and hand carry your app right over there after reviewing it to make sure everything is filled out correctly. I had my hard copy in less than 2 weeks. Best 84.00 I spent. Don
Well after almost two months I was told I was missing a form. It arrived on March 20th. I kept calling and finally somebody was able to track my paper work down. She asked if I have received a rejection letter. Of course not! I am building it with someone else. They put everything under his name. He hasn't gotten any mail either! I don't know why. My name comes first on all the forms and the N number is reserved in my name. Word of advice: The FAA stores your info by serial number not N number when making an application for a new homebuilt. Put your SERIAL NUMBER on your check.
Well after almost two months I was told I was missing a form. It arrived on March 20th. I kept calling and finally somebody was able to track my paper work down. She asked if I have received a rejection letter. Of course not! I am building it with someone else. They put everything under his name. He hasn't gotten any mail either! I don't know why. My name comes first on all the forms and the N number is reserved in my name. Word of advice: The FAA stores your info by serial number not N number when making an application for a new homebuilt. Put your SERIAL NUMBER on your check.

That's exactly why I spent the money for AIC. Don
Received in mail!!!!

Check cleared on May 9th. I'll keep you folks posted.


I mailed it on April 24th - Date of issue was May 6th - Check cleared my bank on May 9th and was also mailed on May 9th from OK.

In the mailbox when I got home from vacation (May 17th).

For what it was worth - I used the EAA book and followed it to the letter.

I feel like a kid with a report card with straight A's.

Now I gotta find one of those little plastic holder thingies.

Webb Willmott