
I'm New Here
How long does a RV3 take to complete, with the QB wings?
Saw a "complete" kit for sale in the FOR SALE area,
got me thinking of fun, inverted solo Flight..

I have not done ANY research on the RV-3 so Just wondering what the TIME
and MONEY factor is on a 3?

Its tough to say without knowing your skill level. Without any previous building experience except for perhaps RC planes I would say about 1.5-2 hours a day for 365 days a year for 4 straight years. If you have RV experience then it will be much much faster. I could probably build a second 3 in less than a year because the parts count is so low. Its the handwritten directions and 2D plans that slow things down. You will end up spending much more time trying to decode the plans than actually fabricating and assembling parts.

The cost could be anywhere from 50-90k depending on which engine, prop and avionics you get. Unfortunately, the only thing small about the 3 relative to other RV's is the size.

The complete kit for sale in the classified directions looks VERY complete. You might be able to get that in the air in 1-2 years. Good luck with your decision!
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I agree with Rob...

...that a -3 is a lot more time consuming to build than the later pre-punched kits. A friend of mine was rivetting the belly skin on his -3 on Saturday and we were shimming the skin because of the space between it and one of the bulkheads...it's nowhere near the good fit of the other models as Paul has indicated on here.

Your question is a tough one to answer, not knowing whether you've built before or not.

It could take anywhere from two years to twenty. Time, money, skill level....wife disagreeing, etc...kids

The last time I looked at our build log, we had about 650 person-hours in to the project. that was a QB wing and an already completed tail. Wings are close to finished, fuselage is in wiring stage with lots of custom work done in the cockpit. What does all that mean for a different builder? Absolutely nothing! As the folks above have stated, there is just no way to tell how you will build.

I saw someone the other day post that they built a -4 fuselage to "canoe" stage in four days - remarkable, but I understand it - if you have done it before!

The -3 kit requires LOTS of thinking time.

More than you think...

I'm 1600 hours into my slow build RV-3B and expect to
finish it in the 2000 hour range. This is less time than it took
for each my two previous RV projects (6A, 10), but no small
project! A first-time builder will need to be ambitious and
resourceful to tackle an RV-3, even with QB wings.

As for cost, it is only marginally less than the 2-seat RV's.
The lack of panel space and weight capacity does help
you save some $ by encouraging to leave out anything
you don't really need for your mission. You only need
one seat and one harness, but almost everything else is the
same as the larger planes.

Many others have said this before, but it is worth repeating...
If your priority is to fly, buy a used -3 or -4. You will probably pay
less than it will cost you to build a new plane. If you really want
to build, and are willing to spend several years worth of
free time to get the satisfaction of a creating a custom built
machine, then go for it!

- Dan Benua
Repeat Offender
EAA Technical Counselor
I built 2 slow build kits 10 years apart. Time for both was right at 4 years each. That was @ 20-25 hours a week 45-50 weeks a year.
How long to build

I am lucky enough to have 3 builders in my hanger. Two built RV's, a 4 and a 6A. The other built a Long EZE. I saw how much time was involved and I realized I just dont have it in me. I wanted to fly now, not 3,4,or 5 years from now. So, I purchased a great RV3B and am very happy.

Good luck with your decision. Whatever you decide you will love the RV. I owned 15 planes, everything from an Aeronca to a Bonanza and a Mooney. Nothing flies like the RV!!
build time

My father and I built our -3 in 2 1/2 years. He spent 6 hours a day for 5 days, and I spent 3 nights @ 3 hours and we both did Sat. @6 hours. :D

Total cost $17,000.00, mind you this is in 1988 money. But still, you can build a -3 for as little $$ as you want, or you can go full hog with every electronic gadget known to man and spend a small fortune. My -3 carrys a standard 6 pack, and a lowrance 2000c to get me where I want to go, the same as it did 21 years ago.:eek:

If you are good at reading past the directions, to actually see what it is that they are trying to tell you to do, and can figure it out, then go for it!!! When you are done, you will have accomplished something great.:)

In the end it comes down to this, you know what you are capable of doing, the -3 is a beautiful plane to fly, the best of the lot. invest some time, take your time, and enjoy it!!!!:D:D:D