
Active Member
OK QB folks, I need your help. I'm looking at aborting my SB -4 and starting a QB -8. How many hours did it take you to build your QB -6, -7 or -8?
RV7 a QB

1400 hours with paint......400 hours was paint...so 100 hours to build kit but that included a Sam James Cowl..But no interior so far.

I took 18 months to gt it flying.

this is what I tell people that want to know how long to build an airplane. Two questions, are you a perfectionist, do you have no mechanical skills. If it's yes to both, than with a slow build I guess it will be 10 years. On a quick build, you might be able to take out 2 years from that. If you only have one of those two than I would say about 7 years and than cut off about 1.5 years for quick build.

Myself I'm into my project about 1.5 years (slow build) and I'm just about ready to paint and then install the engine. I'm with mechancal skills and I'm not a perfectionist. So far I'm into my panel 2 weeks and I just took it all apart to paint it, most everything is wired.
Engineers are slower (anyway I was)

this is what I tell people that want to know how long to build an airplane. Two questions, are you a perfectionist, do you have no mechanical skills. If it's yes to both, than with a slow build I guess it will be 10 years. On a quick build, you might be able to take out 2 years from that. If you only have one of those two than I would say about 7 years and than cut off about 1.5 years for quick build.

I was also told if you are an engineer you should double the time. I am an aerospace engineer and my QB-6A took 8 years. Not married (at that time) and spent every weekend and most week nights working on it. I quess more time planning/designing/thinking then actually working.
For me, with a QB -8, it tok 18 months, and 1040 hours - not including paint, which I had someone else do after it was flying. But really, each person brings so many different skill levels to the project, and there are so many different work habits, that numbers themselves are probably meaningless. Since you are already building a -4, you already know how you work - I think I have read that the QB option on the -8 saves about 400 hours of build time.

It took me about 1300 hrs over 18 months to build my 7A QB. That included paint, interior, and panel. I also used Van's FWF kit for their engine and prop.

about 1200 over 24 months. But in that time we took a month long vacation and more importantly my wife gave birth to a future RV driver... a gorgeous little girl.

probably could have been done in 18 mo but life issues extended it a bit
no skills at the beginning

and started with perfectionist aspirations but have gradually "gotten real". I'm 4 years and 4 months into a 7A "Quickbuild". Part of the length of time in my case has been because of the decision to do all my building at the airport. I did this to take advantage of all the skill and advise available with the very knowledgeable folks there. I view it as supervised learning, but it does slow things down, which is not necessarily bad.

I've been enjoying the build, the learning and the social aspect of becoming part of the community. Part of the time is just helping others around the airport and another part of the time is due to having to leave the project for extended periods of time (work funds the project!) and returning to the project and mentally get back up to speed. I have not been in a hurry, but I'm now getting antsy to get it finished. I'm just about to put the wings on, then cowling, baffling, fiberglass work and final assembly. I'm probably going to wait for paint.

There are so many variables it's hard to give anything that has any predictive quality.

Jeremy Constant