
Well Known Member
Hi All,

Sometimes I think too much instead of just building.....

I'm skinning my -8A. The f-889 lower longeron, as shown in the plans, ends at the middle of the f-812, aft bulkhead. BUT, there is a relief for the vertical leg to continue out beyond it - presumably to the end of the skin like the main f-887 longeron.

How did everyone "trim" theirs - run it out to the end of the skin, or cut it off in the middle of the bulkhead? If left long, does/will it interfere with the rudder hinge (or anything else)?

I have obviously already cut mine short, as per plans, but when placing it onto the bulkheads, noticed the relief to allow it to "continue" through :)


Jeff "WildThing" Wirs
eligible to retire and getting harder to go to work :)

Thanks for the pix Brian. Have you attached or "trial fit" the rudder hinge yet? That was my main concern about running it long. Other than the joggle in the bulkhead - it seems that you could go either way with it :)
