I bought a RV-8 tail kit many years ago and it exceeded my comfort/skill level once I got past the first few pages in the construction manual. Shortly after the RV-12 was released I bought the tail kit for that and was amazed at how easy it was to assemble. CNC punching, milling and just all around metal work made for an outstanding kit. I enjoyed building my RV-12.

I'm kicking around the idea of tackling an RV-14 and was wondering/hoping if it's assembled more like the RV-12 or constructed like a RV-8?

Never built a 12 but I would say other than solid riveting rather than pulled rivets , the 14 should require similar skills. Very well prepared kit.
The 14 is probably somewhere between the 8 and 12 in terms of difficulty. I would say closer to the 8 than the 12. There is a good mix of assembling (albeit via regular rivets, not pulled rivets) and construction.

But don't let that deter you, while challenging, it's a lot of fun to build. You won't have a problem finishing if you've built a 12, just have your expectations in the right place.

There are a lot of previous kit parts re-used in the newer kits that need to be prepped. You can tell by the part numbers, for example, the 14 specific parts all start with "14", etc.
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I have built the empennage of the 10; and built a 7A and now working on the 14.

The 10 and the 14 I find similar in build instructions, but the 7 was much more intense in building. Obviously not impossible, but more time consuming.

I have enjoyed the 14. I especially enjoy the instructions when you turn the last page, you are finished. Well, with the homebuilds, one is never really done.

You will not be disappointed with the 14. Jump in!
Just an anecdotal side note; we spent way more time putting off/complaining about some of the more challenging tasks than we did actually doing them. Even something as feared as the canopy fiberglass lay-up wasn't terrible and ended up being fun.

Personally, I picked up an unimaginable set of skills building the 14. I no longer fear the fiberglass or the botched rivet ;)
Thanks for the feedback. I don't mind bucking rivets, though I get apprehensive when I have to locate holes in virgin metal. I think it's time for a trip to Oshkosh and do some research :)

Thanks again,
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Call or email SynergyAir. 541-603-8175

They have built most of the S-LSA RV-12's for Van's and have helped quite a few homebuilders with their RV-14's. I expect they have more experience than anyone working on these two models.