
Well Known Member
My wing kit was due to ship on the 11th, and I'd asked to use Partain. I haven't heard a peep from either, and I was wondering if that was normal or what I should expect. That was back in November so I certainly wouldn't hold anyone to an exact date.

Really I just don't want to be at work and have someone call me telling me they're at my house and where am I? :eek:
My experience with shipping via Partain is that he waits until he has shipping lined up to optimize his operation. That may mean a bit of a wait for you, but it will be worth it. Your kit will arrive in good shape.

You will hear from Partain, probably by e-mail, letting you know when you should expect the kit to arrive. Meanwhile, if you get antsy, give him a call. He is usually responsive.
How long are you willing to wait?

My complete RV-10 kit could have been in my garage 5 weeks earlier if I had called DB Schenker in the first place. Very close in price. My kit was picked up at Van's and delivered the exact day promised and in perfect condition. Not a scratch or dent anywhere. Call Van's to have it picked up. Pay with m/c the day of delivery or with a check at delivery. Request lift gate if needed. I used my tractor with forklift attachment.
I have a 9A finish kit that's supposed to be ready to ship next week. I also requested Partain, and I've also not heard any further word. Van's cashed the check, so the paid for part is taken care of.

I'm suddenly finding more items from the finish kit that I could use now. That is, any delay is not what I was hoping for.

Seems odd that Van's isn't giving you any help in advance scheduling.
I spoke with Van's today, as I had sent them two big-@ss checks in the last month for my engine and prop and hadn't gotten anything from them...the prop showed up last week, though :) ...they've been, apparently, really busy with end-of-year orders and are just backlogged on getting documents out. Of course, I got my paperwork from them today after I called them LOL!

As usual, everything was copacetic...they're just busy (which is GOOD, as far as I'm concerned!).
Grrrrr, they shipped it via ABF despite me emailing and asking to use Partain instead. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Does ABF deliver to a house, or am I going to need to pick it up with the pickup I don't own?
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Grrrrr, they shipped it via ABF despite me emailing and asking to use Partain instead. :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Does ABF deliver to a house, or am I going to need to pick it up with the pickup I don't own?

ABF will do whatever you tell them when they call. Delivery to the house will add a day and about $60. The truck may or may not have a lift gate. You need to ask them when they call.