
Well Known Member
How I Met Gayle

Chasing the setting sun toward the west, the prairie glides past beneath my silver wing. The heat of the autumn day fades seamlessly to the chill of night. Farm buildings, small rural villages, a pickup truck on a dusty road, a combine harvesting corn in the lengthening autumn shadows, all are oblivious as I sail overhead. They fade behind me without protest as more blossom into view ahead.

Glancing down I see a silver twisting path of trains, stretching off to the far horizon. The steel rails glow bright orange in the reflected light of the setting sun. I follow them until a speeding Amtrak creeps slowly into view. It is half-filled with passengers, travelers, strangers, each anticipating a new day, a new place, and a new view.

Slowing, turning, I descend toward the fields, paralleling the silver rails. The lights in the coaches create halos around passenger?s faces. A woman leans against a window, long brown hair, gentle brown eyes; she reads a paperback novel to the rhythm of the clicking rails. It?s a tale about a man who travels, always travels, longing for a companion to share a view of the world that slides beneath him. He looks down on those around him, not because he feels superior in any way, but rather he just has a different point of view. She understands why he travels. She travels, too. She dreams of a different place, a fresh perspective, a new point of view.

She lowers the paperback to her lap, and thoughtfully glances out the window, seeking a different perspective. Initially she sees her own reflection in the window, and then shifts her focus to the shiny metal plane, silhouetted against the glowing western sky. She smiles. I pull alongside and return her smile. I reach out my hand to touch hers, and she is in the seat beside me. Pulling back on the stick we climb, up, away from the clutter of the surface, climbing into the soft, cool, creamy dark of the night.

A full moon peeks above the horizon beyond my left shoulder, climbing to take its place to watch over the night. We travel on, watching time go by. Together. Us. We. Sharing a new point of view.

FWIW, haven't written much lately, but this was inspired by a line from a recent epic post, note the plagiarized line, thanks, Vlad!

- Roger
Nice work, Roger. Some may say this thread isn't RV related; I would propose it is indeed very strongly related. The art of assembling words into structures which convey meaning and emotion is every bit as daunting as the building of an RV. Once one is able to capture the joys of flying an RV, wresting words from the fluidity of their mind and affixing them to paper, the flying community is all the better for the inspiration and sense of kinship those words evoke.

Thank you so much for sharing that with us, Roger!

I started reading it fast, then stopped and re-started with the speakers turned off. Then I read it again.

Simply wonderful.

Thank you Sir.
How I met Gayle

Roger, excellent use of imagination and adjectives (unless that really is how you met Gayle). I know it is uncouth to say that corn is not combined but I couldn't resist. Good job guy! Happy landings.
Roger, excellent use of imagination and adjectives (unless that really is how you met Gayle). I know it is uncouth to say that corn is not combined but I couldn't resist. Good job guy! Happy landings.

Maybe Texas is different, but they sure combine corn in the midwest!
You have a talent that is very special, what a nice read so early in the morning! Thanks!
Can,take wait

I,m 90% complete on my RV12
and this helps push me along to getting her in the air. Thanks the Redbaron

Alex, CanJoy, Chuck, Doug, Charlie, 8Ball, Ben, Bret Mike, Red,

Thanks for the kind words of encouragement, glad to hear that it made someone smile, or stop and think, or something.

So far the posting has resulted in three offers of psychological counseling, and a voice-mail from a divorce lawyer (which I haven't returned yet.) Of course you know that not every one of Paul Simon's songs is entirely autobiographical, right? :D

It's fun being part of this community! :)
Well, huh....

So this story outlines the reason i deceided that a side by side better fit my mission profile than a tandem. And yet, here i sit at Panera enjoying a crispy apple muffin with my morning joe. Alone. Flew into Mt Hawley, walked.up the hill to Panera. Beautiful clear blue, cold dense smooth air. Couldn't find a copilot.... tragic.
I've always wondered, if anyone has ever met someone in person, who the first time they ever saw each other was when one way flying their plane and saw each other's face from one on the ground and the other in the air.

Many years ago I was flying along the valley next to the Talimena scenic drive in eastern Oklahoma, and saw a family parked at one of the scenic lookout parking places and all their kids started pointing and waving at me. I waved back, and circled back around to make one more pass and all of them waved and smiled back at me. It was one of those magical moments that makes flying so rewarding.

Thanks! ...on the aluminum parts or the fiberglass parts?

Sure was swell.flying in my corner of the.midwest today, after two days of high winds and low klag. Eventually did.find a copilot for a trip around the county...:)