
Active Member

I've started a channel of flights I've been doing around central British Columbia in my 2002 RV6A, called How I Fly. It's not instructional, just a guy being a VFR pilot.

My video editing skills started out a bit rough, but I think they are getting better. Hopefully you find something you like!

Here's an example of the types of videos...


Lots more on the channel, and I'm trying to add 1-2 per week.

I've only lived here in Kamloops for 4 years...returned to flying 3 years ago after a 21 year "break". Love flying here...scenery is postcard esque around every turn.

I was looking to expand my horizons south of the border this year (got the RV6A last September), but Covid has other plans for that! Looking forward to a vaccine for sure.