
Legacy Member
In reading the thread on OX bottles and realizing we could have used one on the flight home from Mom's I was wondering...

How high can you go before you have to worry about your toiletries exploding inside your luggage?

I'm thinking about shaving cream, shampoo, water and pop bottles, etc.?
FL180 is 1/2 atmosphere

At 18,000 ft a trapped gas will double and at FL250 a dry gas will triple. So answer is depend on how much air is in the bottles. I made it to 43,000 ft before the crystal popped off my watch a few years back. When we do high altitude airdrops we notice that the dorito bags pop at about FL250. I opened a coke once at FL280 during an air drop once and everyone stood around thinking it would explode, it didn't. Adding a mento does more than altitude.

In any case, I always double bag my stuff in large zip locks just in case the tooth paste, shampoo etc decides to exceed its operational altitude.
I typically squeeze out as much extra air as I can on my bottles before clicking the caps on. Tanya doesn't though & neither of us have had a problem up to 17,500'.
Way up there

I flew a lear 45 for 7.5 years. Been to 51,000 feet several times.
The baggage compartment is not pressurized, but it is heated. I have found that it is the cold that makes things go pop. So as long as you keep it above the freezing point, you should be good.

Only lost one bottle of mouthwash and that was my mistake- forgot to close it tightly.
I always put the liquids in a zip lock. Just in case.
Hope that helps.
Thanks everyone for the replies.

I'm thinking that Lear might fly just a little bit higher than my -9.

We have not had any problems, and in fact, I didn't even think about this until after our Easter trip at 11.5.

There is so much good info on this board, all you have to do is ask.

Thanks again.