Well Known Member
Curious, I?ve read that once an aircraft gets certified as E-LSA built exactly per Vans? specifications that any mods are allowed. My question is this: If I?m a second hand owner and take the two day LSA repairman?s course; can I also do mods and still do conditional inspections? And how ?far? can those mods go?

For example, could one do the Edge Performance bolt on EFI and still do condition inspections and keep it E-LSA? It would still stay in LSA parameters just burn less gas.

Not saying I?d do this at all. Just curious how far you can go before it must be EAB and have A&P do the annuals. Again, this is all for mods done after initial E-LSA Cert.

You can do any modifications that you want to on an E-LSA registered aircraft as
long as the aircraft still meets the definition of LSA. Find and read the definition of LSA.
The E in E-LSA means that the aircraft is Experimental. Anyone can work on an
experimental aircraft, even your teenage neighbor kid who only has experience
playing video games. In order to do the annual condition inspection, you must possess
a repairman's certificate which you can get after completing a two day class.
Just to expand on Joe's post. Be sure you understand the "LSA" parameters clearly.

One thing to be careful of, it you do a mod that takes the airplane out of LSA parameters, you may NOT undo the mod to return to LSA standards. The rules state that the aircraft must meet LSA parameters continuously from original certification. IOW, Once your out, you are out forever!
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Thanks guys! Totally understand the LSA parameters. Just didn?t realize you could do so much and still do the annual condition inspection as long as you have the repairman cert. via the class. That?s why I mentioned the engine changes as that?s fairly extreme (in my mind at least)
One caveat. You have to be the owner as well as have the LSR-inspection rating. You have to own the aircraft to get it, but if you sell it you can no longer do the annuals on it.