
I'm New Here
Good day to all! I am a guest from the site and was sent here by one of my compatriots because of the nature of my post. A group of distinguished aviators from this site apparently bought some of ICOM's new radio and I am wondering 1) how they like them? and (2 how well the intercom function works?

Am redoing a cub right now and am trying to keep things as simple as i can and save some panel space. Any info you may have is much appreciated, thanks much in advance.

Fly safe!!
I really like mine compared to the Ky-97 that it replaced. The display is bright and readable and the and the buttons have a nice feel to them.
The dual scan function isnt usable for me because it wont keep a priority scan on the primary channel and everytime you push the PTT, the dual scan function turns off.
I really like the freq download to the ICOM from my garmin gps. The freqs on the airports I am going to are automatically downloaded to the Icom. They show the airport identifier, freq and text for its function such as "Twr".
I hear the intercom function works great, but havent tried it.
I like the way you can get into the setup menu and change parameters easily.
If I had it to do over again, I would have bought a Garmin SL-40 instead because of the way the garmin dual scan works.
Good day to all! I am a guest from the site and was sent here by one of my compatriots because of the nature of my post. A group of distinguished aviators from this site apparently bought some of ICOM's new radio and I am wondering 1) how they like them? and (2 how well the intercom function works?

Am redoing a cub right now and am trying to keep things as simple as i can and save some panel space. Any info you may have is much appreciated, thanks much in advance.

Fly safe!!
You need to see this thread:

The advertising on the A210 is VERY misleading about it's ability to monitor two frequencies and give priority to the primary. Unless you need the apparently better intercom feature, the A200 still may be the best deal. As you'll see, there are a lot of unhappy A210 customers here who bought it before it had been field tested. FWIW, I'm one of them.

Good luck.
I'm quite happy with my A210. The display is bright and easy to read, and I use the dual-watch function much of the time to monitor Flightwatch frequencies while listening for other traffic on Air-to-air and the like. The memory capability is huge, but I have to be honest - I haven't taken the time to store more than a couple of frequencies, as it's my #2 Comm and I just haven't had the need. I can't comment on the intercom, as I don't that enabled (I have a full audio panel with its own intercom).

I upgraded from the A200, which is a great radio. The 210 appears to pull in signals a bit better using the same antenna I had with the 200. I upgraded mostly because I liked the way the 210 looked, the new display, and the ability to monitor another frequency. No, it is not quite as good as an SL-40, but I couldn't' justify the money to go from a 200 to an SL-40 for what I use it for.

I think that for a budget, single radio installation, the performance of the intercom would probably be a deciding factor between it and a cheaper A200.

Brightness? I am not so sure.

My A210 does not appear all that bright at all. Whenever I fly in full sunlight, I can hardly read the display at all. I am pretty sure I have all the settings up to the max. I notice everyone believes this is a bright display but not from my experience.
