
Well Known Member
I am putting the landing gear weldments in my 9A. There are two AN4 bolts that go through WD-921 into F904. These are way at the bottom of the bulkhead 6-8 inches down with only about a 2 inch gap to get wrench/ratchet/hand into to tighten.

Anybody have any good tricks as to how to do this task????


Duane Wilson
Don't know what a "crow's foot" is.

Enlighten me please. What is a crow's foot? (No bird comments please)

If these are the bolts I'm thinking of, a crows foot isn't going to help. Duct tape a long, skinny piece of wood to a box wrench. I think I also used some duct tape on one side to hold the nut temporarily until I had it started on the bolt. Or find a 10-year-old with skinny arms.

I did exactly what Dave did.. tape a wrench to something, put a piece of tape no the back to hold the nut.

Dave.. if your 10 year old can reach their hand down there.. you need to feed them more!
N523RV said:
I did exactly what Dave did..

That's because I got the idea from you. :)

I decided to swap out the -7 snap bushings in the middle of the carry-thru spar for -8 snap bushings. (Side rant: Why do they even make -7 bushings? They are worthless IMOH. To others: install them for the rudder cables and throw the rest away. Use -8 instead for all wiring.)

I couldn't get the old bushings to release using pliers and various other tricks. I would have just mangled them from the outside with some needle nose pliers, but the fuel lines and pump were in the way. My daughter was able to get her hand down between the spars and release the bushings, and thus saved the day. Or at least saved me from removing the fuel pump. She eats as much as I do sometimes for dinner, so I think I'm feeding her enough.